So i started watching Naruto a bit ago and i never thought it even looked half decent, but i must say im hooked... anyway its been a while since i posted here and i've started a Gaara and thought i should put him up! Any helpful feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

But it is hard to give a critique of the character if he is covered in lots of folding cloth, could you show the character without the large drapery and the bottle thing it might be easier for critiques.
The only critiques I have at the moment from what I can see is, the character looks like a 12 year old boy who is extremely muscle bound. Also if you look at the face/head from the front and side views it looks like two different people. You also might want to soften the edges of his jaw as they go back towards the ears, since most people do not have their jaws that way. Lastly I'd tone down the sternocleidomastoid, it looks like he is clenching/ flexing his neck muscles.
Hope that is a little helpful.