Hi guys! Actually this is my first thread on polycount forum

I saw arenanet art test from their blog few days ago.
I really liked the concept so I'm gonna give it a try.
I'm not sure this test is still going on or not,
but anyways I'm gonna finish this within 3weeks

I think it's really great challenge xD
here is a my material plan for female norn.
some parts are bit confusing so I might need research for them.
I'll upload base poly model soon

Base model that I'm currently working so far.
Any comments or critiques are welcome!
Hey guy! It's been a while.
I didn't get to work this for few days
But here is a more update!
I like the direction her face is going too. Some really clean sculpting all-around.
I've checked her pelvis and reduced width bit.
but still looks wide tho
Hi guys! I just got back from vacation so I'm definitely behind schedule.
I think I'm pretty much done with zbrush work.
I better start out retopology!
I think before continuing that you could make a few minute changes to the face.
Don't mind me and this paintover.
The nose at the moment is bugging me, looking at the concept there doesn't seem to be a step in the bridge of the nose and ears seems to be a tad big for her jaw. and here nostrils could be pulled in some more and nostril itself smaller and tighter.
I fixed her nose and ear. Now she looks more girly than before.
Thank you!
Hi guys! Here is more update kinda really really super late update
It's almost done I think. (finally..)
I didn't apply spec yet, now I'm working on it.
So render shots might look bit flat.
Soon I'll upload final render shots instead of her T pose.
My only crit so far is the lack of polies in some area that the player tends to look at, if you get my meaning. But it's probably to late to fix at this point.
Good job.
EDIT: Just a nitpick, but I would recommend presenting her on an 'off-grey' rather than pure black, just provides a nicer contrast imo.
The head is a bit small though I think.
Thank you for the comment
I wish I could use more poly but yeah like you said It's kinda late.
I'll keep it in mind when I work on next project
Thank you
The rule was less than 6500 tris, but I use 7500 tris.
yeah basically I broke the rule xD
Thank you for the compliment
Thank you Aeze
Thank you for the comment
I'll definitely check her head size and background color.
Thank you for the tip torch
I'll definitely apply your tip!
Thank you for the compliment
I didn't notice her eyes look a bit crossed xD
I'll check them. Thank you!
Thank you for the comment AimBiZ
I'll check her head Thank you!
It's finally done yay!
Here are final render shots and texture sheets.
Hope you guys enjoy!
I always welcome comments and critiques