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3DS Max Modeling of a Female Foot

My 3DS Max modeling of a female foot for my model in progress named "Carla"

I'm an 3DS MAX NOOOOOOB. All the feedback is welcome :):)

I just finished modeling a foot in Max, here are the results







Attached to the leg



  • Tobbo
    Offline / Send Message
    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Are you using photo references? The leg and the foot ratio is way off.

    Also the pictures are really small and hard to see. I would use something like http://imgur.com/ to upload your pictures.
  • acitone
    Tobbo wrote: »
    Are you using photo references? The leg and the foot ratio is way off.

    Also the pictures are really small and hard to see. I would use something like http://imgur.com/ to upload your pictures.

    Hi. Thanks for the suggestion I will try that site. I did use photo references but apparently I failed to notice the leg and foot proportions. I know some women have small feet but I'll try and fix that so it's a bit more realistic.
  • Jack Ryan
    The beauty of modelling a human is that, you are one (assuming, I could be wrong judging by your avatar ;)).

    If you're modelling say a jet plane, or a rocket launcher, you might not have one of them in your back yard to go and grab and use as referencing.

    What I'm getting at is, even though you may not be a woman, you can still look down / in the mirror at your own leg. There are some things that should strike you right away when compared with the progress you have made.

    For example, the back (heel side) of the lower leg extends really far out, and your front of that leg is bending way too much.

    Also, as already pointed out, the foot itself is too small in proportion to the rest of the leg.

    In the final shot of just the foot, the bone that pertrudes outwards just before the big toe (on the inside of the foot) is also way too large - it actually looks like they've bumped their foot and it's swollen and bruised.

    Keep going, and use references, even if you're not the the kind of build you're trying to model, you will find hundreds of images of anatomical diagrams and the like on Google Images alone.

    Good luck and keep posting your progress!
  • acitone
    Hey Jack, good good tips man thanks a heap!

    This is why I love posting even if it's just for the constructive feedback. These are all things I probably would not have realized on my own.

    While I DID use references, it would seem I got caught up in the modeling itself. Cool guys, keep posting feedback I will continue working on it and then report back with more progress pictures.

    The foot can be a challenging part of the body to model, specially the toes! But fun of course.

    I see it all now : the bend at the knees is too profound for a standing human (or were you referring to the shin area?)

    The bone by infront of the inside arch also is indeed too large and the foot is too small (and calves too big?)

    Gonna keep working. Thanks guys, and if you have some pics of your own similar work I would love a link to check them out :)
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