Hello Community,
I am in need of a modeler to help me flesh out concepts for the Dota 2 Workshop. It is in my current situation as a full time student it is suddenly difficult to handle all the details of production of an item when work is thrown.
So, onto the details:
What I can handle:
-Concept art
-Promotional images (Like Weta Workshop does it for TF2)
-Sculpting Base mesh's made by modeler/Texturing Sculpted mesh (?)
-Compiling and testing
What I need someone to handle:
- Modeling Base Mesh(?)
- General Modeling (Low poly)
- Compiling and testing
- Texturing (?)
- Sculpting (?)
What said person gets: A share of Gaben money.
Type of Projects: Full Armor/Clothing/Themed Sets only, Single items are often devalued.
(?)= Negotiable
Past Work=
Workshop Page=
All Inquiries should be sent through to my email:
Any invites through steam will be ignored due to workshop popularity. (I get 1-5 of these each day)
Thanks and have a nice day.
I can assure you on the modeling part but perhaps if you had some ideas for a courier, i could get involved in rig and anim.
message if interested
Steam id : syn_jzach
(I really want that faceless void hat...)