This is what I'm doing (after I have a model with subs, a low poly, and uv's)
1. generate displacement map
2. create plane polymesh 3d
3. subdivide a bunch
4. apply displacement map
4.5 Turn off ao and shadows in the render settings
4.8 BPR render
5. grab doc to create texture
6. export texture
7. cry
This is what I'm getting:
As you can see there are little seams of lighting messin WIT MY SHIT? HOW FIX BROS?
ZB for the Matcap's uses Sphere-Mapping, meaning the light at a 'view' or 'seam' will always go from a certain color and direction to another, in this Upper Orange to Lower Blue, always facing the camera.
So it's not ideal for baking, I suggest using a flat material, like Basic, or Cavity, although even in those cases you will get issues.
Although I'm confused, can't your simply bake your AO/Disp/etc already from ZB without the need for a Doc Grab, or is there a reason?
Depending on the software you're using, your can create the effect in that software pretty easily.
Check to see if subdivision smoothing is off for the mesh and uvs. Also try a best render instead of bpr