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Critique my environment?

Hey there. I've been working on this environment for my last portfolio piece. This is my first attempt at hand painted textures and I would definitely love feedback. It was rendered in UDK.757b28102454ad2954fabef8d8ea39b6.jpg

Things I personally would like to fix but do not know how are; I would like to change the leaves. I was going for a paint splatter cartoony leaf feel but they just kinda look like giant blades... I also wanted to know if anyone knew of any good vertex painting tutorials? I've seen the one on eat3d but I can't help but feel there is an easier way.


  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    Are there any textures on this? I think invoking that kind of question points out a place to start lol.
    I'd suggest getting some reference for the style & technique your choosing, also that tricount is nuts for whats actually there.

    Gud luck with it kiddo.
  • lansay
    mmm I should have mentioned this is just part of an interactive environment. Also the style I am going for is Free Realms.
  • LMP
    Offline / Send Message
    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Your lighting is too all over the place. It's too dark, too bright, and to randomly colored. Let your textures do the color work, and let the lighting bring consistency and mood to the scene.
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    That moon in the background really strikes me. I think there's a lot of potential in this environment. Texturing definitely needs some work, lighting as well. This is just my opinion but I'd really use that moon as a launching point. It's very Van Gogh "Starry Night" to me, and I'd love to see that style continued through the rest of this environment.
  • mospheric
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    mospheric polycounter lvl 11
    The texturing is too subtle and doesn't establish any material definition on the objects.
  • jmt
    Could you show some wireframes? The polycount seems very high for what I see in the image. I agree with what everyone else has said about the texturing and lighting.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Yea..the tree leaves are weird. You want to do some nice variation in the branches, to really frame your shot. Plus it would add a lot of visual interest and break it apart.
  • MPKNielsen
    There are also a number of obvious seams on your mushroom house that are being shaded abnormally. The most obvious one is between the mushroom house and that large root? sticking out of the front.
  • lansay
    Alright guys, I've made some of the changes regarding some of your suggestions. In response to some questions, yes this has a high polycount, but it is a free realms themed interactive environment. There is more to the scene than this render.

    I fixed the seams in the mushroom house, I changed the leaves, fixed up some textures(though I still need to fix some). mushroom_house_by_frozen_scumbag-d5c4vl0.jpg
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    I still think you need more material indication in your textures. More contrast and color variation, especially - everything is still very sold colors. More foliage on the ground would help, as well - especially by the edge of the water.

    I've plugged this thread before, and i'll do it again. Look at the rocks and grass in this scene - lots more than just solid colors and some edge detail.

    I also think your lighting is way too blown out close to the sources - and the lighting in the background is destroying the depth of the scene.

    As far as the trees, i don't think the problem is so much in the texture of the leaves but the shapes of the mesh. they're very sharp and straight blocks of leaves and they're fighting with the shape design of the rest of the scene. Grab that curly-cue moon and work that into the leaves and branches somehow - run with that shape and feel and it will probably help a great deal.
  • lansay
    reverendK wrote: »
    I still think you need more material indication in your textures. More contrast and color variation, especially - everything is still very sold colors. More foliage on the ground would help, as well - especially by the edge of the water.

    I've plugged this thread before, and i'll do it again. Look at the rocks and grass in this scene - lots more than just solid colors and some edge detail.

    I also think your lighting is way too blown out close to the sources - and the lighting in the background is destroying the depth of the scene.

    As far as the trees, i don't think the problem is so much in the texture of the leaves but the shapes of the mesh. they're very sharp and straight blocks of leaves and they're fighting with the shape design of the rest of the scene. Grab that curly-cue moon and work that into the leaves and branches somehow - run with that shape and feel and it will probably help a great deal.

    Thanks for the advice. I drastically changed the lighting and made some foreground elements to help capture the curvy moon style you mentioned. I updated the textures of the boulders and am in the process of modelling cattails to add by the edge of the water.

    Now, due to the fact that the minigame in this environment requires lighting in the bacground of the scene, I needed to find a way to maintain that lighting while still giving depth and focal point. Hence the fog.
  • lansay
    Also, here is a link to my first demo.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjIW-natCzU&feature=share"]Mushroom House videogame work in progress - YouTube[/ame]
  • lansay
    I don't know if I'm allowed to do this but seeing as no one has said anything... bump
  • Tom Pritchard
    That's a lot better, a much nicer mood. One crit that the water doesn't look like water from this angle. Maybe have it reflect the rock? Make it lighter? I'm not sure.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    You might want to save that fog through the whole level to just be on the farther side of the scene to give it depth. Right now it just feels a bit flat. Maybe you can identify some of your light sources to make it clear. Right now you have some bright pink spots and i can't see where they are coming from. Like that big pink highlight on the top of your house.

    I still think that you can have some alpha planes with some nice branches and brush to accent your trees and frame your shot.

    The fill light that you have is that purple... generally purple i save for really hardcore lighting like dusk, or dawn where the light is very dramatic. Nighttime you might want to have softer colors, with some hot spots coming from light sources. Some bloom here and there, instead of the pink a bright silver maybe.

    I'll see if i have time today to a paintover and illustrate some thoughts.

    Its looking good tho. Keep working on it.
  • lansay
    Alright guys. I've made a few changes. I added more foliage along the water, tried my best to fix the fog, made the water more... watery? I also tried to blend the roots of the trees more into the ground. I'm not sure if I should add more foliage still or not. What do y'all think?
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    I still think you could do with a lot more foliage to help ground things. Even just a little grass will help marry the trees to the ground. I've got a pretty major issue with your shore line - it's just too steep a drop without any change in the texture of the ground. even a puddle has something of a shore and a drop that steep would definitely require some sort of indication as to why - it's not how a sedimentary shore would meet the water. it'd need to be rocks or have the appropriate signs of erosion (ie: water lines)

    couple quick refs: 1 2 3

    and a wee little paintover for ye:
  • lansay
    Alighty. Here's another update:


    Some one suggested I add more small emissives to give a little more mysticism to the scene.

    I'm not sure how I'm going to give the appearance of the grass hanging over dirt into the water because my landscape isn't dense enough to paint that detail in there.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    What is that weird block of dark on the lower right? is that a rock? or a higher ground?
  • lansay
    glottis8 wrote: »
    What is that weird block of dark on the lower right? is that a rock? or a higher ground?

    It's a higher ground.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    Here are some thoughts on this scene. Just reiterating on some of the points i made when i came in and critiqued.

    The water is a great oppportunity to emmit a nice green bottom light. It could give some really nice up lighting to the tree branches as well as the rocks you have there. I would also get rid of that rock on the left and add a small puddle. This will help to call out the player path much better as it's getting lost and kind of dark on the left side. You can also have some nice particle effects emmitting from the water as well which would give some nice life to the scene.

    I would also make it so that the cool colors are the places the player isnt supposed to go, and the warmer colors are the players path and where they're supposed to go. I would also duplicate those lamps you have on the ground around the scene to imply where the player needs to go, and to also develop a language that makes it easier for the player to find their way around. I would add a light to the top of the door tha twill also help illuminate the steps as well as help give some warm light to the front of the house.

    Lastly the moon needs to be a cool color, and emit cool color. It looks warm and it's giving off a warm color as your mushroom house says. You have a warm rim light on the top right of the mushroom house and it's disorienting.

    My paintover might be alittle too vivid and saturated, but the point is there.

    Hope this helps. YOu definitely have a nice stylized scene going on here and with alittle more love could make a great graduation portfolio piece.

  • lansay

    hmmm... I'm not so sure how I feel about it now...
  • lansay
  • JGreentheRookie
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    JGreentheRookie polycounter lvl 10
    I think the water/swamp is to shiny to saturated.
  • Zocky
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    Zocky greentooth
    yeah, everything looks nice but the water really stands out too much...

    Nice work otherwise!
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    Is the water finished? It looks like it's just a temporary material to me - but it really stands out too much if so. If not, get it to a more reasonable color so that it's not so distracting to the eye. That will really go a long way to getting a proper critique on your current state.
  • sipher3325
    I love where this is going. The house and the lighting there is looking great. The little reeds/cattails are a bit distracting so you might want to tone them down or change the color setup. I also like what wester recommended but maybe not so intense on the water.
  • mikepaton
    Yeah, I think the water is a little bit too saturated at the moment as well. Personally, I'd look 2 images back (this one) to where you had the water then, before the light blue impementation. I would take that as a starting point and implement the blue hue like you have it in here, but just less saturated and more blending with the environment (while still having a bit of a "pop" to it, if you catch my drift).

    Also I'm not sure if that's mist off to the left (in this one), but I think that it adds a cool element to it, sort of a surreal, artistic feel to the environment (that you have going on in the other parts that don't need changing. I'd keep the mist, possibly even add it in small parts around the scene. :)
  • lansay
    Hey guys. Thanks for all the commentary! I've since returned the water to its previous unlit state. I am not experienced enough with water materials to be able to create a material that is both emissive, and texturally recognizeable as water. If anyone has any suggestions or knows something that may help, I would really appreciate it.
    Aside from that, I have mainly been working on the functionality of the game which can be seen in my newest video in the link below.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TX6KVymDqg&amp;feature=channel&amp;list=UL&quot;]Mushroom House Game Pt.2 - YouTube[/ame]

    Note, I know VERY little about kismet. If anyone knows anything that can help me there as well I would appreciate it.
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