Bit of a vague title, I know. I'll try to explain a bit better.
When you're sculpting on a subtool which is overlapped by another, inactive subtool, the inactive subtool acts as a kind of mask. You can disable this behaviour by switching on transparency. However, I find it hard to see exactly what I'm doing when this is on.
Is there a way to prevent inactive subtools from doing this while still being rendered as opaque?
*Waits for inevitable response from Cyrid*
In the meantime, I played around and found something that could be useful, though it doesn't get rid of the problem completely.
If you go to:
Draw -> Channels -> ZTolerance
You can KIND OF change the settings so your strokes fall off a bit smoother, but it's pretty subtle, and I'm not sure if it changes much on some brushes.
Here's mah screen:
The top strokes are with it at zero, and the bottom strokes are with it at max. I used the clay buildup and standard brush, and I only noticed it really on the clay buildup. I know this doesn't answer your question, but it was the closest thing I could find (and I also wanted to bump the thread, haha).
Also, (you probably know this) but there's also the Ghost feature which is by the Transparency button in the transform palette, which I think can help understand what's going on while in transparency.
Hope someone answers this soon!
Ghosting is on by default with transparency. If anything, it makes it even harder to see IMO.
Same thing here. At least it's not as bad as 3dcoat :
Edit: I think I had it but reinitialized and tried again to make sure. It looks like there was another setting needed. Probably a picker setting I also changed. I'll get back to you very slowly.
Edit2: I think I turned Pref: Draw: Front Opacity to 1, and then disabled fast sample. You still need Transparency turned on (ghost off), but aside from shadows it will still show the 'transparent' mesh mostly opaque.