After seeing a few of the single texture environments being thrown around lately (especially Snefer's), I decided to have a bash at it myself.
I am using just a normal and AO which is generated in nDo2 ONLY!
I'm a nice chunk into the environment now so it's time to start a thread and spread the lurvv.
Couple of WIP shots below. Texture is of course still very WIP! The beauty of nDo2 is that I can add new elements to the texture in a matter of minutes.
Thanks for looking, thoughts/ideas are welcome! Just a bit of fun is all!
Blocked in the other side of the room and started work on the other corridors.
To Do:
- Main 'reception' desk for the middle of the room.
- Make a decal map
- Props (benches, monitors, information boards etc)
- Continue to add more detail to my texture with nDo2.
Another quick update.
Added corridors to all other doorways and been playing around with adding decals.
More progress shots soon!
@Brygelsmack & JamesWild: Thanks guys, but since that pic I have started again with the decal map so it's no longer there
@cptSwing: I know what you mean, I may try playing around with the walls a bit, maybe add a slight curve so they're not so flat.
If you are sticking to the 1 texture route though I'd say to experiment more with materials properties. Get some variation in there, otherwise everything is gonna look like it's made out of the same white plastic panel.
It is supposed to be finished in a short amount of time :P Been working on it after work and weekends. The aim was to finish it within 2/3 weeks of after work sessions I'm about 2 weeks in now.
Here's my current modular set. Much more will be added but I thought I'd show it as it stands.
Added some closed doors, played with lighting, added some more props (more to come!)
I'm hoping to get the final props in tomorrow night, then it will be just a case of some particle effects, lighting tweaks and some post processing!
I'm also going to suggest adding some variation. Love the minimalistic style, but you've got a lot of empty space with repeating patterns especially the big room with all the squares everywhere. The hallway looks awesome, but I think the tiniest amount of additions would really take it up another level. I noticed one hallway had light fixtures the rest empty. The one with light fixtures I like better. Could be you're still populating assets.
I'd suggest looking at something like this...
Minimalistic environments with right amount and thoughtfully applied variation
Also for the glass, it's a bit hard to see, but edges of glass are usually opaque. https://www.google.com/search?q=glass&rlz=1C1_____enUS372US372&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D6&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=hMg-UK-dB8eayQGc0YHwCA&biw=1680&bih=965&sei=hsg-ULqTAuG8yAH41YCIBQ#um=1&hl=en&rlz=1C1_____enUS372US372&tbm=isch&q=glass+sheet&revid=1165722674&sa=X&ei=hsg-UP6vC6aFywHFtIDYCg&ved=0CIIBEIMW&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=d80c1df70ccbe9be&biw=1680&bih=965. They look like single planes at the moment.
God the hallways look good.
The aim was to create an environment using a single texture created in nDo2 (well, a normal and diffuse). To add a little extra spice I made a decal map and some monitor display textures.
Here are the final shots after playing around with post in CE3 and the texture flats.
the AO is greyscale so you could store 3 more greyscale images in the same texture, and shove your decals into the alpha channel of a other image.
DUDE THANKS!!!! freakin eh never thought of adding color through the shader set up . . .
Thanks for the feedback, Passerby. I was aware I could do these shader techniques in UDK (which is what I planned to do before making the move to CryEngine3).
But I haven't seen anything to do with this regarding CE3.
not too familiar with ce3, but know this is possible with udk, unity, and source if you put a little extra work into it.