Hi, i am actually new to the polycount, can anyone tell me how to upload the images, i have so many doubts that are needed to be cleared....i tried photobucket but its not working. Thanks you
Hi, i am actually new to the polycount, can anyone tell me how to upload the images, i have so many doubts that are needed to be cleared....i tried photobucket but its not working. Thanks you
find the image online you want to post (i use flickr for mine) right click on the image and copy the image location (firefox) image location should be in the properties in ie (dont use it much)... hit the insert image button (little yellow box with the mountain and sun) and paste the image location in there.
hope that helps, i probably made it sound way more difficult than it actually is but... lol
it pretty much just stretches the edges of you texture out to give it a border, so that the black part doesn't bleed into the texture on the mesh
watch the last 5 or so minutes of this http://eat3d.com/free/xnormal_overview should give you a good idea of what it is + a way to do it in photoshop if you download xnormal which is free.
Not sure if your using Maya or not looks like it is but you never know. Anywise heres a little youtube series I did on getting nice normal bakes on very low geo meshes.
Use separate smoothing groups and a cage for baking that should do it.
find the image online you want to post (i use flickr for mine) right click on the image and copy the image location (firefox) image location should be in the properties in ie (dont use it much)... hit the insert image button (little yellow box with the mountain and sun) and paste the image location in there.
hope that helps, i probably made it sound way more difficult than it actually is but... lol
WireFrame :
Edge Problem :
Normal Map :
Diffuse + ambOcclu
then copy the link for the image location there
which looks like: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7115/7802225966_d87acae6d4_z.jpg
now hit the insert image button on here and paste the location in there and hit ok
edit: also looks like you need to add some padding when you bake out your maps... might fix your problem
I tried the soften normal its working...but i dont think its the proper solution...
it pretty much just stretches the edges of you texture out to give it a border, so that the black part doesn't bleed into the texture on the mesh
watch the last 5 or so minutes of this http://eat3d.com/free/xnormal_overview should give you a good idea of what it is + a way to do it in photoshop if you download xnormal which is free.