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Default UDK Skeletal Mesh Root weirdness


I've just finished modeling a mesh and rigged it to the UT3_Female biped that I got from the UDK site. I did a rough idle animation and imported to UDK. The first thing I noticed was that she looks like shes floating above the ground (the character is in a semi crouch position), when she straightens hers legs, rather than rising up, the legs merely push down. After a bit of snooping I've discovered that this has to do with the height of the Bip_Root controller. During animation, to raise or lower the character I would simply set planted keys on her feet, click the body vertical button which automatically selects the bip01 bone (oh, i'm using 3ds max btw) and then raise or lower her. A quick test by raising and lowering Bip_Root produces the desired results. HOWEVER - by doing this it raises the ENTIRE character irrespective of my planted keys! Trying to animate without those is going to be a nightmare.

Has amyone else experienced this or have any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? Please shout if I haven't clearly explained anything!

Thanks very much!


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