I never really got too post much on this thread since I started working shortly after making it, but seeing as the model is done I may as well show the finished result.
My greatest regret is still by far the UV layout. I let the fact it was a personal project get in the way of doing the Uvs properly something I’ll try and stop myself from ever doing again. I may bake the color map into a proper UV layout where I use all available space but haven’t yet.
Turn table:

Color tex:

Old Post:
This sort of started out as a texturing idea I basically wanted to keep my texturing skills up 2 date, so from the get go I was basically looking for something I could model really fast and then move on to the texturing part. So I figured every demo reel just has to have a gun:) and since I was lacking one I figured id try and make one. I mean how long could that possibly take to model a laser rifle right? Right? Well more fool me next time ill just make a shovel...
Anyways the model is made mainly in maya then I took it into Zbrush for all the small details like screwes or anything complex like the grip detailing. I also made all the edges etc worn and broken in Zbrush. I used Xnormal to take the HP objs out of zbrush and baked it into a low poly I made in Maya. Then because I wanted to have a very high detail level on the textures I split the gun into 3 different textures.(I know its way overkill, but the whole point was texturing from the start of the project, and at least now I can have a camera flying 1 cm away from the gun if I really wanted

I wanted to create a very blocky gun consisting of large areas instead of a million small gadgets that would just brake of when ever it was dropped on the ground but im afraid there may be to few details now ,its hard to tell without the finished texture. Im planning on making it quite worn like you see on the front area where I have started texturing. Would love some feed back on this.
Currently I just started the texturing in Photoshop and would love some feedback or ideas before I reach a point where changing anything will be a giant task.
There are some normal errors on the model that ill change a long the way in case you notice them, but if you have any visual ideas, things to add or maybe color changes in the texture? I would love if you guys can give some ideas or feedback.
Atm i have only really blocked out the colors the actual texture is no where near done but any ideas you have either modelling or color wise would be much appreciated.
The model:

One of the textures. (Im Changing the UV Layout)

This is the Concept made by fuXorZ.

In no particular order of importance:
-Too much black
I know this is from your AO bake. But, the reason they are black is because the light isn't hitting them, because they are hidden. If you can't see them, delete them. They are wasted tri's and, more importantly, TONS of wasted UV space.
-Nothing is mirrored
Speaking of UV space, there are so many things that can be mirrored on this, that aren't. You have to remember, that if you can't see both sides of it at the same time, there is no reason to have both side unique. Literally, cut the gun down the middle, delete one side, unwrap just that side, then mirror it over and weld the seam between them.
-Share UV space
Nothing on this is sharing the same UV space. Because you should mirror it, everything should be sharing with at least one other thing. The most obvious thing being those little Tic Tac looking things. Just model one, unwrap it, texture it, then duplicate it and move it wherever else you want it. But other things, like that blue stripey part, could (should) also share.
All that being said, the design is pretty cool. I dig it. Just make sure you use your specular to really sell what materials are what. Make sure there is a distinct difference between the plastic, metal, paint, and rust. If you change the things I outlined for you to optimize the texture, you will have more than twice and much space on your UVs to add lots more detail and make it look way way way better.
Good luck!
You very right about the to much black in the ao bake i havent cleaned the model like i should have because I wanted to get to texturing (a mistake I often do in a personal project = get to the fun part) and tbh its a mistake I will properly regret massively if I dun do it. It wont effect a beauty shot but if I am goanna link my textures it will be quite bad. Ill go change them, sigh at the time it will take to bake it all again but its worth it.:p
As for mirroring its on purpouse ive done a lot of different mirrored models and used generic repeat textures this one I want 2 mirror nothing and custom everything (in a work environment your very right I would mirror most things that arnt connected in one mesh. )
As for the materials ye ill make sure it stands out atm its just a blin on it to test textures.