Hi all,
I'm starting up a new project in UDK as I've never created an environment within it using my own models etc.
I created my basic modular building pieces and threw them into UDK with 2 UV channels for the textures and lightmaps.. however I'm getting some very weird errors that occur when I move away from the objects.
When I'm close to an object everything looks ok, however the further away I get from it the more distorted the shadows get and even more noticably the more distorted the textures get.
I thought it might be something to do with LOD or culling but I can't seem to figure out how to fix it.. Here's some screenshots to show what I'm on about, thanks very much for your time!
From a distance with the obvious problems circled:
Still present when I get a bit closer:
Clears up when I'm right next to the mode:
That's "fixed" largely by mipmapping now.
I've had it show up in games it did not previously appear in after updating drivers, then disappear again after. When I was doing OpenGL dev some GPUs seemed to lie about the accuracy of their depth buffers. I don't think it should be a problem any more but it used to be one.
Thanks for everyone's help This is something I've noticed a lot recently when I've been adding buildings into UDK, even after downloading the new version or opening new maps with default values.. It doesn't seem like this is a common problem though, which is odd! And I'm not sure what to search for in terms of finding a solution!
Diffuse Only:
Diff + Normal:
If I change the texture to something that isn't repeating so heavily, like a tiling concrete texture rather than tiling bricks then the issue goes away.. If I increase the size of the bricks by a fair amount it also seems to solve the issue!
Here's a pic to show:
Adding a lot of extra objects onto the wall to break up the pattern slightly covers it up, but even small bare areas still have the weird shadow/texture problem
My UDK .ini file is set to "MaxAnisotropy=4"
Reading on this forum for almost a year i have found 3 major areas where beginers mess up when working with UDK.
1. UV mapping
3.Modelling/Smooth groups
UV mapping :
IF you are using small UV shells overlaid on top of each other make sure they are not inverted, as normal map info gets confused for no reason even though your normals are flipped green. (note this is my finding on Feb build 2012) Its strange though cause inverted or not it dosent matter on texture UV. Your lightmap UVs should not be inverted.
set whole scene radius to 3500 and settings below it to 3 and 4 or 10 10, in dominant light settings.
Make sure lightmap UVs are correct.
add light from top down and angle it about 10 15 degrees, Just a test , cause extreme angles like parallel to objects cause shadow acne and Z fighting stuff .
Bottom line dirty up your textures and play with vertex painting.
Take one of your textures, and re-import it as a default compression type. Then in the material plug the normal map into a lerp between two 3-constants, 1,1,1 and -1,-1,-1 and plug that into the normal map slot. This'll unpack that default compression type into the range UDK expects. If it's no longer having the issue you know it's a GPU/driver issue with that texture format. Again, I've seen this happen before, but with grayscale images on some ATi cards, which were unfiltered and quite a performance hit.
Cheers for the help