I hope somebody remember this tank game, name Recoil. In this game you drive the BFT tank, and complete missions. I think create some remake of this tank.
I thank any feedback. (Highpoly currently WIP, as you see).
Looks good but for baking I think a lot of your edges are too tight and won't come out on the bake very well. Namely the armor plating and the Track armor piece, they are the worst offenders but not the only ones.
@danpaz3d: Thank you for the advice! The laser guns is enought big for me, i not plan to change they sizes. But yes, the torpedo cannon is small. Now i break my head, how scale up, but this is good example for me to plan geometry forward.
man! incredible work! i can't believe 3d is only a hobby for you yet :-O
i really love many of the details! mai'm not sure but maybe the tower of the gun cannot rotate. and i'd brake the blank spaces up with more plates, screws or some more details, but it's truly a great work! keep it up!
made a quick overpaint, i hope it helps what i mean
tsabszy: eyy, thank you! You now help more than enought! Great overpaint for me, give many ideas as well. As you say, the tower of gun is impossible to rotate now, but i fix the back-top part of the main body and add some rounding (if possible) and create the thing rotatable (if this right in engrish)
Thanks the interest! Now i realize, many thing in the model looks bad and not good for baking, and i fixing them. The main errors are fixed currently, but the big blockout parts (main body and guntower body) i delete and start remodeling. Nothing complex, nothing interesting, just detail out the blank areas.
Any plans to rig it?
As said above, your edges are far to tight. Your normalmap bakes will not come to their right.
The ending always weird-ed me out though, with that brain thing.
Good work on the model so far, agree with the above comments. Only other thing for me is that the scale of the cannon and laser guns are a bit small.
Keep it up!
I agree with this. Both should be 30-50% longer i think.
Depending on how you've put it together in Zbrush...
i really love many of the details! mai'm not sure but maybe the tower of the gun cannot rotate. and i'd brake the blank spaces up with more plates, screws or some more details, but it's truly a great work! keep it up!
made a quick overpaint, i hope it helps what i mean
keep it up bro!!
Looking good so far