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polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20
I hope I am descriibing this right, but here it goes.

Say I have an object casting an ambient shadow. (A giant rock casting a shadow from the sun). The shadow of the rock is rather soft and thsu not as dark as it might be if it were a small object.

I place a smaller object in that soft shadow, and it is casting its own shadow from another source (point/spot/ambient, etc.). I don't just mean its casting an ambient occlusion shadow within the ambient shadow of the large rock, but rather a directional shadow. Since that smaller objects shadow is overlapping the larger rocks ambient shadow, its much darker on that overlap.

A.) Am I out to lunch here? I swear this is a.) possible and b.) done in a game before
B.) What is that called specifically?

Sorry for the lame description and no images.


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