Well here is what I have so far I am not feeling the molding I made on top of the tower I have to figure something out or I might do it in zbrush with radial symmetry because my polygon modeling skills in max is lacking a bit. Then I could just retopo it. Unless someone knows a better method.

Are you working from a concept?
Here is a shot of the whole front I'm trying to do. Call me crazy but I feel like I will have better luck making it all in zbrush
And remember:
From there you can start refining your shapes alongside creating tilable and re-usable texutures. You're going down the wrong path by sculpting all this stuff so early on, you need to think in a modular way, trim sheets, tiling textures and so on.
That's my opinion on the work so far.
I can't second this enough. You really need to step back and identify what are going to be the major modular pieces in your scene, establish your scale/size of the scene/what texel density you'll want to use, and then begin to block out your scene. Don't even think about sculpting until you can clearly see that your scene is built properly and to scale (Not sure what the conversion for units is for 3DSM > Cryengine but I think it just uses metric).
Try loading up all your reference into Photoshop (or at least one good overview shot) and go in and colorize any like pieces that the castle is constructed from. Ie, tint the brick walls red, the block walls pink, towers blue, windows green, etc...and after doing that it should give you a good idea of what all your like elements are for the scene; then block it out using those individual pieces as your lego set (as shown to a degree in Kevin's amazing tut above).
Try focusing more on building numerous small repeating elements for the scene, rather than building them out in large chunks. It should help you make sense of the scene more while giving you more control and the ability to expand the scene if you so desire to make it a castle of your own.