Hey there! I'm Liam
First post, just an intro. I've been working with 3ds max and photoshop for the past 18months and i've been studying a cert 4 in multimedia and diploma in multimedia(Another 5 months). I have never really finished any models or projects as i would kind of get stuck on something and just drop it.
Now i'm here to finish everything i start with the help of you guys. Comments and criticism welcome.
4 (+4 programmers) of us at Tafe are currently working on a medieval/fantasy RTS and i've been given to the task of making a heap of assets! I started them on Saturday.
The art style is very cartoony hand painted kind of textures with my first attempt below.

Im not sure if this was intentional, but it looks great
It looks like a miniature town
Hope some of you pros out there can chuck me some tips
@Peeeetah thanks man! I have to keep the poly count quite low but i had to capture the cartoony kinda of style somehow. Cut and extruding a few extra polys around the place helped heaps! I've now learnt silhouette first, model 2nd.
@Alismuffin Miniature town ay? I think it may be the lack of textures making it look like something for toy soldiers :P I'll have to slap some goblin or human models in for scale before the next pics.