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[Royalty] Looking for a Level Designer


My name is Vipar and I represent a small group of people who want to put a 1st/3rd person action game together. We believe that we have a truly original story and concept, and we hope we can turn it into something incredible!

We have started already, and we have the story basics down, and the GDD is still in the works though it got quite some information! We use Dropbox for our files at the moment, and a mix of Steam/Skype to communicate, though I am trying to direct every member to use Skype.

If you want to know more about the existing team, please check here.
If you want to read our story synopsis, please check here.

Our Level Designer spot is open. If you want to apply, then you have to be able to fill the following criteria:
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Being able to learn the UDK mapping tools or know them already
  • Learning basic Kismet and Matinee within the UDK (Advanced can come later, but definitively a plus if you know it now!)
  • The ability to concept, design and create a Level based on a set of criteria.
  • Being able to work in a team or closely together with new people.
  • Being able to understand and accept critique.
  • Being comfortable with signing a contract for legal issues that could arise in the future.

If you can fill these, then please send a mail to the following Email with the Following Subject:
Subject: RE: Level Designer
  • If you have past work, please provide a link to this, or otherwise a way for us to review it. If you don't have past work to show, that doesn't mean you can't get the position.
  • Please tell us about yourself. Name, Age, Occupation (Student is an occupation yes, amazing super l33t gamer is not.), Nationality, a short/long paragraph about what you do at the moment.
  • Tell us why you think you would be good to have on our team. If you want to, you are free to make a concept for any type of level you have in mind, to show us the extent of your skills.

Thanks for reading!


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