I'm working on this guy at the moment he is a blacksmithwith a twist. AS a creature he has evolved over time to actually hav an internal forge which he can use to heat metals. Heat is ejected from the pores on his back. Still very much WIP and i want to push my abilities on this guy so suggestions and input would be great. Thanks
ps. and yes he will be gettting a big hammer

Really like that back vents and the skin around there, i think a bit more of this treatment in other places would look nice too.
Thanks for the crits though, the straps are a mess as you rightly pointed out so i need to work on them. i'll tone down the cloth a bit too. his arms look ok to me, i'll play around with the length and see what happens!
good spot on the delts silhouette, i'll fix that.
I have;nt detailed his skin or really anything yet, so alot to go on there. I'm not happy with the clasp/latch thing on the back apron strap either need to redesign that.
Really wnat to push this guy so i can finally start putting a portfolio together. So many little things wrong with him though its annoying!
Metal Poop?
Fixed the back of the shoulders.(i think) :-)