Hey all, I've been modelling this stump throughout the month. I feel I'm about ready to start painting some texture but I wanted to get some feedback on the sculpting portion first before I decimate and UV and texture. Please feel free to critique and comment as much as you would like

I think that roots would grow away from it a little more, especially towards the bottom, it would be cool if they were hanging off the bottom. It might be easier for you to do in max at this point..
It would probably be more work to fix what you have than to just start over from scratch. Gather some reference images of trees, rocks, and roots growing over stuff. Look at it. Visualize it. Then block out your primary forms.
I'd google tree roots and rocks and base more reference on the material world and less on a tutorial you found. The video certainly illustrates some good techniques and overall workflow but even his demo kind of looks like a tree on a heart.