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Long shot... Has anyone here created a banner on the 3DS?

polycounter lvl 11
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GeeDave polycounter lvl 11
By which I mean, the Nintendo 3DS.

And by "banner", I mean that bit on the top screen that is usually a spinning logo or something of the sorts that you can speed up by blowing into the mic.

Long shot, I know... but I've hit a dead end in regards to NOT getting my object to auto-rotate. I don't know if it's a code-side issue or something I need to be doing on export. Or neither, or both?

It'd be cool to hear from anyone who's had experience making these things.


  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    I'm curious, I don't have a 3DS to hand but I'm not sure what this is specifically. Is it an image? How would you get a model onto the 3DS?
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    If he managed to make it that far then I guess he has access to the SDK or something. Are you converting your meshes to CMDL files(or CMDLA or CMATA for animation stuff)?
    Keep in mind that the banner rotates faster or what ever from the mic input as well as the accelerometer so there is probably some sort of "bone" that you have to parent your mesh to for it to rotate it.
  • GeeDave
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    GeeDave polycounter lvl 11
    Hey guys, cheers for the responses.

    Yeah I'm exporting out .cmdl and .cskla, which are just model and animation files (with textures too). Everything works fine except for this auto-rotate thing. My problem is that that I don't want it!

    I did find some Billboard (lookat, basically) options in the NW4C menu in 3ds Max that seem to be what I'm looking for, but I don't know... something is just slightly amiss. It always seems to get a bit screwy when it lands on the 3DS, even when I get my objects to stay facing the camera, a different rotation to what I have animated will still be evident.

    Perhaps the camera is the thing that auto-rotates, and not my object?
  • DEElekgolo
    Offline / Send Message
    DEElekgolo interpolator
    So wait have you tried the Billboard option yet or did you just manually make it face the camera somehow? The 3ds system will rotate(or orbit) around your mesh at different speeds depending on mic or accelerometer input so that Billboard option seems like the way to go.
  • GeeDave
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    GeeDave polycounter lvl 11
    A bit of both... I think I've got it worked out, sort of.

    When I tried playing with the billboard options I could sort of get what I wanted, my object would stop orbiting, BUT the hierarchy would get a bit screwy (I've got two objects, one moves, the other follows suit while doing its own thing) AND it was still applying some not-wanted rotation. I've a feeling if my banner object was a touch simpler then I'd be alright.

    What I've ended up doing, was to put a reverse-360 spin over 600 frames onto a dummy (you could do it on the object itself, but I already had rotation keys and didn't want things to get messy), linked the dummy to my object and voila.... now it stops the auto-orbit but I still can't disable it entirely, so users will still be able to spin it around with noise.

    I should note, the billboard options DO basically disable the auto-rotate (Y Axis seemed to give me the best results) and you can use the mic to speed up your animations instead of "orbit-quickly", which is pretty damn cool. Unfortunately I just couldn't get it to behave correctly with my objects.

    Not an ideal end goal, I had to put a back-face on my object but it's not the end of the world.

    Hopefully someone else will run into this one day, find this thread, and expand upon my useless amount of knowledge.
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