I like it except for the rain as everybody else said before ... but I think you didnt read the "rules" ... the sense of this art test and this entire building is to show how the old and futuristic/modern building parts are bound together... the way they are combined into one is the most interesting thing and the most important thing that splash damage wants to see...
I find your model just fine but i do think like sensorium said that its all about the two volumes coming together i could imagine it being a building from the idealistic future where utility and design come together like some of the art from the 60's all the way to the 80's. Now one thing you missed is scale if you look
I'm not an environment modeler as well, but I see some general things that stick out and might cause you not to pass the test. I know it's for fun but still..
- Like everyone said, lose the rain, it will guarantee your failure on the test
- You've taken a lot of liberties in this test that are not in the concept art, this will not look good to the reviewer
- Aside from what Azkur mentioned, the top of the building is incorrect, the shape, piping e.t.c stick very close to the concept
- The door knobs are a bit funky, they don't go with the style of the building
- The patches on the building front helps shrink its size and esthetically not pleasing
- Use a nicer skybox
- You don't have enough windows height wise, making the structure shorter than the concept, plus the first row of windows, you have two.
These are just some things that popped right now, from what I've seen about art test over the years, is that following them always grants favor, you can take liberties but make sure they enhance what's already there.
- Like everyone said, lose the rain, it will guarantee your failure on the test
- You've taken a lot of liberties in this test that are not in the concept art, this will not look good to the reviewer
Someone please correct me if I am wrong on this, but on a previous art test for Splash Damage (the dock I believe) someone who worked there mentioned that they like to see people take liberties with the concept art. The concepts for the test are kept fairly clean and plain to serve as a template because they want to see where you can take it. Traditionally if you look at previous threads for this art test they look very different in styles from each other.
That being said, I echo what other people said about losing the rain. It obstructs your art which is what is really whats important here.
Your scene is not very well lit. It may have been because of the rain that I didn't notice it before but I can't make out details in the bricks. I feel you may have done it to show your emission maps however, it feels like the cost is too great since I can't see anything else.
Yeah I agree, I can't see any of the work you've done on the body of the buildings. Also I don't know if the fractal environment is helping, I would lose the bg altogether and treat this more as a standalone model. The base only needs to be big enough to support the work you've done. Sort of like the drawing posted above^. The vast emptiness of the block is taking away from your model IMHO.
Much better, I'd use a dark gray instead of pure black, but anyways...
It has an almost borderlands look to it, I like it. You sure have the soda machines emit light, there is a "use emissive in lightmass" option for objects. I'd add drip stains to the slanted stone roof above the door, the stone trim is pretty clean compared to the rest of the textures. Also why are only small slits of the actual windows lit up?
that parallax offset is really only useful when you can see the interior of the room during the day, at night the whole window should be illuminated if a light is on in the room.
I tried my best to mix brooklyn projects with futuristic but I believe I need more scifi elements to sell my idea.
Here are my recent changes:
- Like everyone said, lose the rain, it will guarantee your failure on the test
- You've taken a lot of liberties in this test that are not in the concept art, this will not look good to the reviewer
- Aside from what Azkur mentioned, the top of the building is incorrect, the shape, piping e.t.c stick very close to the concept
- The door knobs are a bit funky, they don't go with the style of the building
- The patches on the building front helps shrink its size and esthetically not pleasing
- Use a nicer skybox
- You don't have enough windows height wise, making the structure shorter than the concept, plus the first row of windows, you have two.
These are just some things that popped right now, from what I've seen about art test over the years, is that following them always grants favor, you can take liberties but make sure they enhance what's already there.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong on this, but on a previous art test for Splash Damage (the dock I believe) someone who worked there mentioned that they like to see people take liberties with the concept art. The concepts for the test are kept fairly clean and plain to serve as a template because they want to see where you can take it. Traditionally if you look at previous threads for this art test they look very different in styles from each other.
That being said, I echo what other people said about losing the rain. It obstructs your art which is what is really whats important here.
It has an almost borderlands look to it, I like it. You sure have the soda machines emit light, there is a "use emissive in lightmass" option for objects. I'd add drip stains to the slanted stone roof above the door, the stone trim is pretty clean compared to the rest of the textures. Also why are only small slits of the actual windows lit up?