Hi there all! I just completed a short 10-week Maya class over the summer and I'm feeling very confident at what I can put out on the software. I know not much for a class, but I do plan on expanding this thread the more I learn of what Maya has to offer (...like that's not expected!) But anyhow, crits and comments are always welcome, as they are very much needed in regards to this artist.
Glass Cup
Swan Kukri Lightsaber - Concept Art

Swan Kukri Lightsaber - Model
Like I said, Crits and comments welcome anytime!
Also on a side note, I painted in some sketches I drew up for my next character WIP that I have in mind. I just hope these pieces of concept art get the message through for what I want for the character. What I have in mind is a Wyvern-Riding Warrior-Scavenger type of character that lives on the mountainside. They leave their home (part of a village???) seated on the mountianside to forage and scavenge for food. So far I all I have ready to show is the concept art. Later On I will have WIP renders of the human and the wyvern, but for now I just need a little patience for myself. What I'm doing right now is showing the sketches that I have as well as different colors
to explore possible color schemes between the Rider, the Wyvern, and their color schemes in relation to themselves and their accessories.
Swan Kukri - Update #1
Wyvern-Rider - Concept Art (Sketches)
Wyvern-Rider - Concept Paintings
Model here's the link: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=98213. As for the lightsaber I'm just doing some more
tweaks based on a critique I got from my teacher, basically dimming the blade down so it won't be so blown out with light. I think animating the textures really did wonders for the model so far! As always, lemme know what you all think.
Mercury Cruiser
Mercury Cruiser Turntable
Swan Kukri Lightsaber
Swan Kukri Lightsaber Turntable
These are probably one of the most basic modeling I've seen here. If you want to learn more, you have to get out of your comfort zone and start building objects that you would give you hard time to figure out. Most of your work can be done by a junior artist in a matter of minutes. They also lack a bit of creativity and sense of design that have themes or motifs.
I say look at the top-tier artists here and study their portfolio. Ask yourself, why are they successful in making such great game art? Study up on basic design, look at concept art, schematics, start making mental notes on everything that grabs your attention. What I'm trying to say is that you need to expand your creativity first while learning how to use a program such as Maya or Photoshop.
Good luck.
It's a good start; and as said by most; your far from experienced or "being very confident at what you can pull from the software yet"!
But don't get down; I've studied for 3 years (1 at college - 2 at uni) and I'll still be learning for years to come, not only that but I only have 1 piece thats "portfolio ready" despite my years of work!
What I would suggest it look at some tutorials to expand your workflow; learning new tools, techniques and in general changing your mindset at how you would approach a particular concept should you ever be given a specific to model. - Look at websites like digital tutors, 3d Buzz etc; even youtube to follow them step by step.
There is alot more software use then maya nowadays, again this depends where you work; but if your looking to expand your knowledge and hopefully go into games in the future look at software such as marmoset, xnormal, zbrush, mudbox; or even game engines - UDK, Unity etc.
Again, i know alot of people in this thread have criticized quite harshly, but that's just the way Polycount is
Futuristic Shuttlecar (High-Poly) - WIP Renders
On a whim I just felt the sudden need to model the T.A.R.D.I.S. This is a high-res model--around 200,000 triangles--which is the highest I've been so far in terms of triangles. The textures could use some work, but I had fun messing with the incandescence and glow settings.
And some more concept artwork for my Hunter and Wyvern dual-Concept. This time I took some time to think things through and made silhouettes, then tried some quick and dirty sketches. I feel that I am satisfied with how this sketch came out, though I will make some changes when I go through the modeling process.
Yeah, I know there may not be much improvement in my modeling repetoire, but I feel like I'm getting there. This is a big change from the low-resolution game resolution models that I've been more my first couple of years of modeling. Anyway there will be some WIP renders will be uploaded later for my Hunter character. Any C&C's will be appreciated.