Hello folks, i decided to create a new thread for to bring all my current works here and show some of my progress of these. Of course, you're welcome to help me creating some 3D models for to bring more 3D asset to use.
First, i will show you some of inspiration i did got for to make naga quest, i will call the first section a wall of inspiration, you're welcome to suggest me any game, movie, artwork and even video from youtube or other site.
Secondly, i will post the rough idea i got for the story and gameplay, you're welcome to share your idea for to improve them.
In the third place, i will post some contraints for to make in the good weight for to download the game.
And finally, i will post some models i managed to create, you're welcome to share your model here too as well giving some fixes on the 3D model i did and other people.
ok, there the information !
Wall of Inspiration :
there my inspiration i did got for most model i did and what it would look like for our game :
breath of fire 4 for the isometric view and some gameplay :
vagrant story for full 3D gameplay and real time fight :
Darksiders for the epic boss fight :
solatorobo for his impressive large amount of details that make it very believable as well for his story telling :
final fantasy IX for his environement and universe :
it's all for moment, now let talk about the story i had for our game :
the pitch :
i will rewrite that part later.
ok, now let talk about contraints that we will do or i will :
the contraints :
the game will be created for computer but with the same contraints from playstation, almost like it was created for playstation 1. so, there what we should do use as contraints :
the 3D characters should be done around 1000 triangles, the textures could use the 128x128, in some case, we will possibly use the 512x512 for some case like huge boss or big monster. you're welcome to split alot of textures for to increase the amount of details on the characters or monsters. we will use only 256 colors per texture. this way, we will save alot of memory.
the level should stay simple but detailled like vagrant story or breath of fire 4 does.
we could use the same trick than square enix for splitting alot of CD like final fantasy IX for example. but the goal will be less than 3 CDs if not, a 4 CDs will be ok.
well, it's all for moment, now let me share what i'm done so far :
the assets games :
i did restarted the first module which it's a wall with a bit of green because of vegetations.
first version of tile ground, i don't know if i do it well but i was based on some ancient tile done during medieval time.
there how the module would look like now :
there an example of what is my goal once it's ingame, for the moment, it's a mockup done with photoshop, it will have too many errors by the way ^^;
well, there how it look without all the FX :
and with FX :
there the file that you can mess around and of course, any feedback is welcome :
the naga / main character :
and there the download content that you can check how it look like, you're welcome to give me feedback or critique or even too you can use it as a SDK training for only texture :
the "Catoblepas" (it's dezhand fault ! XD )
i will upload the 3D model later, so you can check and edit my 3D model for to improve it.
the lizzard warrior monster :
a first rough model of lizzard warrior, still alot of work to do...
female mouse :
you can take a look on there for the female mouse :
it's all for moment, i hope you will enjoy it.
by the way, there the pic :
i do hope i will be able to finish that project... after some months or years of course !
heh thx you very much, for to anwser you, right now it's only test purpose and i did that level from my mind, i will of course make some change for to turn as a first cutscene of that level. and like i said, i still have a long way to finish it. remind me that i need to finish that naga character
spider monster :
and then the chest with a first try of painting :
and so, there is the main character that i still keep going working on :
and you can mess around with this SDK of main character because i'm not good enough with rigging and animation stuff
enjoy !
insect_people1.obj (click to view in 3D)
hope i will be able to finish the first level !
I do really like your Catoblepas design.
heh thx you for the suggestion, i'm already looking about hindu and boddhist theology which it's where i found inspiration, i will certainly check the asian influence for it. going to investigate more about it
well, now the news stuffs i'm doing, first, the musics i made recently that you can listening there :
despite my deafness, i managed to make some interesting musics and i hope you will enjoy them !
for moment, i have nothing much to show because i'm redoing the main character design and decided to go more stylized version like tales of serie or other RPG games does.
so, stay tuned and feel free to contribute your works
Normally, the characters you see are place holder since it was made by a very talented cookiehana and I did got her permission to use her art. So...
And there the mockup I did which you can see there:
What it did disappoint me is that I couldn't get the blur effect from unity because it require to have unity pro.... Which I couldn't afford it....
I'm still in the LONG way for making my RPG game a reality! XD;
See you for the next update !
Here a shameless cross-post on my save point which you can find there : http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=148070
But for those who are lazy to click, there the info :
I recently started migrating my game project to Unreal Engine 4 because I found out it's more easier to work with than unity 4.6. So, at the moment, I only have this idea of save point concept I have, I do plan using the particles effect because it seem easy to use. Unfortunately, I'm at the moment got stuck with some problems I'm facing... There the pic that i drew:
There the full concept art:
As you can see, it have some complexity to get rendered into UE4 that I wasn't able to achieve it... Not yet.
And there the texture I already made which you can experiment with it :
The pic is separate by channel because it will save me alot of ram and draw calls
So far, I managed to get it :
I used 3 static meshes and one particle emitter which it's already good enough but as you can see, I'm still far away from the result I wanted.
I'm hoping you will be able to give me some hints for making this save point working!
Oh and you're welcome to download it and do some edit if you see any problem or you can even animate this character, I'm very bad at it because I don't know how to properly rig it! XD;;;
Enjoy your day!
First of all, one of my team managed to put all my RPG project on github so, everyone could join and contribute it, you can even fork it
And so far, I also create a wiki from the same site which you're able to see there : https://github.com/no-frontier/Naga_Quest/wiki for the moment, only characters is done despite it's still in work in progress...
I created a trello that you will be able to follow the roadmap of our game project : https://trello.com/b/DgfCir4J/naga-quest
oh, speaking of one member of my team, there how it happened :
I meet a new person during one of my streaming at www.picarto.tv which it's a wonderfull place that is equivalent to livestream or ustream but specially made for artist! Well, he will work on the code part of our RPG project!
and finally, remember the pause menu I imagined? It's now in progress which you can see there:
As you might noticed, I'm trying to figure out how to fox the size of the statsUI in the menu... well, feel free to check the github so, you could tell me how to fix it.