I took my family to Washington DC a couple months back, and was surprised to see the "Art of Video Games" exhibit current at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. I grabbed some pics while I was there, and figured I'd share the set of images with you guys. I still need to fix the presentation of these pics, but still viewable.
It was kind of cool, though I wish they had more concept art. It was cool seeing all the old systems, and many of them were playable. If you're in the DC area, I'd suggest checking it out.
SAM_2101 by
notman05, on Flickr
I remember that too... then I remember being reminded from the results that the internet was voting.
Quake II beat out Deus Ex as a representation of video games as art. I wanted somebody to stop the series of tubes so I could get off. :poly142:
Ya know, in all honesty I would have preferred a video or kiosk showing the pipeline breakdown for the art in games, concept to model (or sculpt depending on the era) to textures to in engine. Maybe even some time lapse zbrush/modeling with a 3d print of the finished piece.
Maybe next time...
There's also a bit of a breakdown on what it took to produce mid 2000's title 'planetopia', with concept art etc.
It dwells much too long on the same popular franchises that show up on the top 10 lists over on IGN. Rather than try and get a little more variety on the floor, there were a dozen iterations of Zelda and Mario. Even Pitfall, Donkey Kong, and Phantasy Star showed up multiple times, rather than using the space for more titles. There were a few random throwback titles, sure...but they felt like they were probably the curator's old favorites or something (Spy vs. Spy the game...? I mean, maybe it was an awesome game, but really?).
It's a nice first step, but it felt to me mostly just like a tool to get people in the museum doors. That said, it was still fun for the excuse to go into DC!