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Female Faun WIP

This is a character I have been messing around with in my free time. I didn't really have a solid concept when I started out, just wanted to make a more innocent pans labyrinth type creature. I really liked the way wood was built into the body so I decided to give it a go.

I have a final scene in mind for this but the concept of the character is kind of up for grabs.



  • jmt
    Good start. The first thing that stood out to me as flawed was the mouth. The top lip looks very sharp, and the overall way the lips and surrounding area bulge out looks a bit off. It's a tough area to find a good balance for. I would have proportioned the jaw line differently.

    The vines going around the body don't quite seem to blend in. Something about the way they're positioned just looks a bit out of place to me. I like the eyebrows. I think you could push the proportions on the horns a bit more to make them stand out. They're cool when I look closely at them, but especially without texture, it looks a bit like a mess of brambles from a distance.

    The anatomy of the body is pretty good, but I would push it more to make her more feminine looking.

    I'm not sure I like the way you've sculpted the legs so far. Maybe it just needs more polishing. The butt cheek swirls are funny.

    Keep it up!
  • Pundt
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I reworked the face a bit, started paying more attention to anatomy with it. Came out with something that I like a lot more. For now I removed the vines and what not and feel like a simpler design will probably be best. Also buffed up the horns a bit as per feedback.

    Still not sure what to do with her at this point, think ill drop it into photoshop and mess around with a few ideas, will update soon.
  • DrunkShaman
    Offline / Send Message
    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Lets hope her nipples arent made out of wood. heh heh. I kid I kid.

    Nicely done so far, Just a suggestion. The hips should be a bit wider.
  • Blaisoid
    Offline / Send Message
    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    i think boobs and nipples were pushed too far towards sides of body.

    lips are better now but still slightly 'derpy'. that's probably because lower lip sticks out too much.
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