Think WW2 aircraft carriers in space. Well, this is my first big UDK environment ever and I'd love some pointers. The pics below shows what I got at the moment but it still feels a bit... uninteresting? The empty corner under the playform thingy is gonna be filled with maintenance stuff and shipping boxes and there will be wall lights on the walkways up there.
So, how do I make it more interesting? I'm thinking of replacing the wall panels with something else like huge fuel tanks or something cr<zy like that. Ideas?
Also any tips with setting up lighting are welcomed...

Oh and how do I get a glow around the lights? Is it automatic when I make them self-illuminated in the texture or is there an entity? I tried using a huge single particle but it was clipping with the model.
Glow is done in the emissive channel in the objects material. 1 being full bright self illuminated and anything past 1 being the brightness of the object. Then you can edit the bloom effects in the post processing options to increase the amount of glow to make it look pretty (but for god sake don't overdo it, too much bloom looks horrible).
Hope this helps =D
For the lighting I suggest something like this with a bunch of huge drop-down lights.
For materials you'd need to look at how everything is used.
Example: oil spills, scratches from dragging, dents... combine that with the spec detail for the materials.
As for modelling, fairly straightforward. You'd have to do more models for the edges and corners of the warehouse, and less for the middle.
That's it!
You've got wooden benches in there, and for dieselpunk I'd expect something more along the lines of...
This or...
It just seems so out of place where everything else is made out of metal!
i think that a very bright lighting setup will go really great with the vibrant purple that you have for railings, tiles, and overall hardware
great job modeling btw
It should provide some interesting scenarios for lighting
Keep up the good work!
The purple color comes from the default checkerboard material which UDK applies to all objects when no specific material is applied by the user
a) I wanted to bring more of a WW2 atmosphere to it, like metal is more useful on spaceships and guns than on benches and
b) I think they bring warmness into the otherwise quite cold and hostile environment.
But making the crew side floors smaller did help set some scale though so thanks for that.
I should be able to pick up contrast and form, as well as generally equal amounts of bright areas and dark areas to lead the eye.
Granted, you're still building your scene at the moment, but it is something to take into account. Hope that helps!
For me it brings to mind Mario games with its cute stylised aesthetic - but this kinda seems at odds with the rest of your environment - which might detract from its cohesiveness as a whole
Edit: Here's the latest one, hoping the host would come back up soon.
I can't wait to see this textured.