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Sketchbook: Iyo

polycounter lvl 6
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Iyo polycounter lvl 6
Whats up guys, my name is Ian. Like everyone else, Ive been a long time lurker, but have been too afraid to post my work after looking at the amazing pieces that rise out of this awesome community. I decided I would start today, so I can really see my improvement.

Here is a small environment piece Ive been working on for about a day and a half.



  • Iyo
    Offline / Send Message
    Iyo polycounter lvl 6
    Long time no post, so ill just post what I dumped on the pimping thread. I have a whole bunch of things lined up in my folders when the winter break roles around. But ill drop this texturing work I did for school.

  • Iyo
    Offline / Send Message
    Iyo polycounter lvl 6
  • Iyo
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    Iyo polycounter lvl 6
    Hey guys, I thought I would post an update on the project. These assets were created for a student title called Evac. Evac is a first person puzzle platformer from the school that made Nitronic Rush, Perspective, and Narbacular Drop(the Portal precursor). The game is made from the ground up using C++ to write our engine, physics, and graphics. We had two semesters to work on it. I was the Lead artist on the project, and did the majority of the assets.

    I'm proud to say we have finally uploaded our first gameplay reveal trailer.


    Tell me what you guys think, I would love to hear your feedback!

    The game moves pretty fast, so make sure you full screen, and go HD.
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