By putting a map in the Custom slot and checking Use Tint Color Map you can have multicoloured tinting.
This is only really useful for stained glass and the like, which is a fairly rare case but is necessary from time to time.
It's probably advisable to not use this in conjunction with a Tint/Cloudiness/Spec map in order to keep the cost reasonable on console."
Lots more info on the Glass Shader page. Never used it myself but I would imagine everything you'd need to know would be there.
Ah, well then have you tried just using a decal to fake it? The only other thing I can think of at the moment would be to use a colored mask and project it with a point light, but I think CE3 only allows b&w masks for lights.
"Tint Color Map
By putting a map in the Custom slot and checking Use Tint Color Map you can have multicoloured tinting.
This is only really useful for stained glass and the like, which is a fairly rare case but is necessary from time to time.
It's probably advisable to not use this in conjunction with a Tint/Cloudiness/Spec map in order to keep the cost reasonable on console."
Lots more info on the Glass Shader page. Never used it myself but I would imagine everything you'd need to know would be there.
maybe I need to set up an irradiance volume.
The problem is that light entities are point lights, meaning you wont be able to get a 100% realistic effect.
C3 has area lights though, so if you're willing to wait a year or so, you can do it :P