It's been a while since I really donned my creative hat and made something of my own design and even longer since I applied myself to a full character. With that in mind and sod all else to do with my days at the moment, I decided to start a new project...
Played with some thumbnail sketches yesterday and began working in some more detail this morning. Still plenty of work to do on the concept - especially since I'm pretty slow at 2D stuff at the best of times - but yea, getting the general direction down I think.

My usual process is to hide away in a room until I'm nearly done then ask opinions so I thought I'd better start this one off the way I mean to go on and get stuff up for critique from the outset. Any feedback you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated

Render out the hands, joints and feet and you're set if you ask me.
Going down a more muscular/organic look simply because everything I do has hinges and ball joints. Ultimately, this design is going to get roughed up as a re-purposed guerilla warfare robot which should hopefully contrast nicely with the oh-so-future design. I'm going about this in a kind of 'ecorche' style method, i.e. designing the robot first then building up the layers of post-apocolyptic degredation and accessories. Not the fastest way of doing it but I'm hoping it will help add a nice dynamic to it. We shall see...
Worked up a good few silhouettes and settled on this skinnier, more mechanical looking design. I'm going to draw this one out in a front, back and side layout since my ability to work with posed perspective is similar to that of an infant child and frankly it will be more useful to me when it comes to modelling.
Feedback welcome as always!
However, I think the old head was much better and it had a lot more character.
Keep it up!
So I'm getting to the end of the line drawing stuff now. Roughed out some really quick wear & tear on the the front view just to give you guys a better indication of where it's headed. Made an initial sketch of the gun, it's basically an XM8 with a couple of little changes - I figure it's a suitable looking gun and I'm trying to get an overarching feeling of 'old equipment, but in the future' so I think it works. Changed the mortar section for a rocket pod and tried to bring the character of the old head into the new design without conflicting the style too much.
Up next is to do the arm on the right side profile, do a final line drawing of the gun, and then throw on some accessories, final wear & tear elements and then maybe, if I have time, do some quick rendering just to think up some paint work design and bring out the shapes.
Feedback always welcome and let me know how you think the new head's holding up.
i cant wait to see the 3d work:)
The original gun looks way more awesome/original. All you needed to do was remove the AK style selector switch, IMO a gun of that style/make isn't going to have a fire selector switch like that, and if it did I feel like it would be way more ergo-nomic looking/a souped up version of it.
But so far all the design stuff is looking great. Hope you model it out and everything.
Regarding the gun, I wanted to get something with more curves in it's design to better match the curves of the robot. I agree that the originality is suffering so I'll have a crack at coming up with something between the two today.
Cheers for all the feedback and I've at least got some new 2D work for my portfolio