So this is my first post on polycount, and it is a project that i have been looking into for some time. I am going to do my best to get as much done now before school in september...we shall see how that goes.
Anywho, as this focuses on technical aspects of UDK/Scaleform, I figured i would post here.
It is a WIP framework for a UDK game.
First order of business: Currently no questions as I am still getting things in order (researching)
However, what I plan to cover in this is quite a large chunk of things.
Heads up, as some of this will be artsy eventually and I will make a new thread for that. For now, everything is going to be super bare bones, technical framework.
The art side of things I don't really need to get done until next April.
a) Gamepad Input
b) scaleform menu system (start screen to game...possibly other options)
c) character select (w00 that will be fun)
d) character movement (planning something of a side scroller that will take advantage of the actual 3D environment and wont be restricted to left or right, jump movements)
e) scaleform hud! (basically its just going to be health bar)
f) spawning enemies (which i already know how to do in kismet, hurrah!)
g) health for enemies And player
h) camera positioning and movement
i) importing own models with animations (very very basic)
j) damage/collision
k) weapons!
l) make everything pretty!
I will try to make posts once a day on my progress. Mind you, I only have about 3-4 hours a day to work on I have a lot to do.
It will be fun
As I come across issues, I will certainly post them here for some help.
So if anyone is interested in what im doing, or if anyone has taken on such a challenge before...I may need your help
Until my next post!
So step A is done! w00h00.
Ok time for some scaleform!