Greetings once again. I figure I'd make a new separate thread for this one and start anew with a better mindset and being more centered about this, since it is going to be a big undertaking.
It's really building something from nothing, in a sense. Most often you would typically have a piece of Concept Art or Real-world reference image of what you wish to build. Yet here, I'm taking what is likely the inadvisable route of letting my creativity guide me.
If you've checked my portfolio, you might have seen this unfinished Rough Whitebox render of what I have wished to build:

Now, I've at last managed to get something into UDK, although of course, still WIP and unfinished (because that wall paint job would just work so well right? :poly124:)

Yeah, it's not much. But it's a start (maybe?) and I'm going to keep at it until it hopefully one day looks somewhat decent with all the trimmings (animation and VFX too). Specularity is giving me a hell of a time at the moment though, despite my best attempts to match what I see in Epic's own UDK Materials (though a reflective map would probably go a long way).
Another big thing I'll need to figure out is how to break up the monotony of the duplicated assets since they all look alike. I've heard that Vertex Painting in UDK has gotten easier, so maybe that's an option.
So yeah, long long ways to go, but I'll keep updating as I either figure stuff out or get a reasonable amount of new content in.
In all seriousness, I am going to welcome whatever feedback you have, flames, derisions, etc. At the moment I'm definitely not "attached" to what I've got so far, so I'd rather get to fixing things when it's easier to fix them at the start than later when I've made more stuff to fix. Plus I also had a long time to think following recent Hip Surgery and things became a lot more clear once I realized how little I know and how much there is to learn. And what an amazing resource polycount truly is that can interconnect with top talent around the world.
And yes, I do read this thread a lot: (though I still get puzzled about how he managed to create such a comprehensive texture atlas)
This link has also been helpful for planning: