Hey everyone
I wanted to try a different style and I thought some Dota 2 art would be fun. This started off as a bust sculpt, but I've decided to create the full character.
I'm using this as my main reference:

Most things are still rough, but here's some progress shots of him so far

For continuity sake, what about making his hand blades equal in number the number of front claws when in werewolf form? Right now, he's got two blades and three claws; why not 3 and 3? And, maybe give the boots some metal studs or reinforcements that sells the 3 idea?
EDIT: Forgot to mention I'm kinda more inclined to go for Red, just because it has a more 'Cornell from Castlevania' vibe
Rik: Thanks for the suggestions mate, I like the blue idea, but I think I might stay with the original red concept... I'll test it out in the texturing phase
Sn1pe: Thanks man. yea I've got that image in my ref folder with a couple of others.
Darkleopard: At the moment I'm not planning on doing the wolf as well, but I'll see how I go.
Here's a bit of an update. I've added the shoulder piece and fur (cleanup needed) and a quick detail pass to a few of the straps and armour (more to come). The hands are really rough at the moment, just trying to get the basic shape. I've also switched the tear on his arm to the other side. I think it makes more sense and gives a better sense of balance.
Rik's Idea about adding something to the feet sounds interesting, just from a conceptual standpoint, if you feel like trying that out let us see too
You probably have this, but I was oogling the amazing texture work all day yesterday:
I really want some of your skills please.
The shoulder fur is looking ace but I have to say I prefer the shape of the shoulder piece in the concept over the circle. That is not to say I don't dig the wax seal vibe going on at the moment.
looks like he would leave you looking like this after a shoulder charge
Either way you slice it man I fucking dig it.
Great works as usual.
dustinbrown: Cheers man. Yea I like the double layer shoulder plates as well...hmm I might give them a shot and see how it looks. Thanks for the suggestion mate.
Rion411: Thanks. Yea I think I'll give them a go.
Hang10: thankyou:)
duncan: hahaha you got enough skills for everyone dude! I had originally planned on using a different shoulder piece, but went for this one. Not 100% happy with it, so I might see how it works with the new shoulder plates. Thanks bro
Seriously inspiring work dude. Are you going for DOTA model tri-count and texture size restrictions?
I haven't seen that link, and it is awesome! Thanks for posting
MrNinjutsu: Thanks bud! I'm going to be going for higher res than the in-game, otherwise some of my details wouldn't transfer to the low poly.
Mamba91: Cheers. Nah I don't think I'll be doing the wolf
Thanks for the comments guys. I've made some changes based on previous feedback and added the armoured shoulder plates (thanks dustinbrown & Rion411) and I'm liking the look of it better. Still need to work on the hands and the lower legs and then an overall cleanup. Thanks for the support
How were you planning on doing the fur on the lowpoly?
While its the same in the concept the fur patch on his shoulder looks weird to me. How is it attached?
AzzaMat: Cheers. It's attached with....magic! I've got to adjust the hair clumps into more of a relaxed pose. I think it's reading a bit stiff at the moment.
besides that, i think for this character the head should be a tad bit smaller.
Only minor design changes I would suggest is he feels like his legs should be a tad taller, he's feeling a bit short for a big werewolf warrior, and it'd be great to see that awesome clumpy fur element repeated somewhere else as well on him.
i agree with the leg being a bit to short. i also think that all the area arount his armpit should be raised a little bit too.
im following this!
I've made some changes based on some of the feedback and I'm gonna call the high poly done for now and move onto the low poly
Really nice progress so far..
@ pappete, there can be only one vader..
- meet me in the open country for an pistol duel -
What tri budget are you shooting for in the lp? and what texture size? are you hoping to get this guy ingame?
The things im slightly worried about is that the asymmetry you have here seems to be on the base a good bit, with the sash/shoulder strap, and the tear in the sleeve. Dota 2 tends to get its robust a-symmetry by having a perfectly symmetrical base for max texture res on the body and then having any asymmetrical bits be in their own sheets so that with things like hats/ weapons they can easily swap em without any waste. as it is you would have 2 full arms, or at least upper arms in your sheet as well as a unique torso and head. given that I think these guys are on a 512 you may find texture space to be an issue. Just a thought also some links to help out with the upcoming stages!
woogity: Thanks for the thoughts man. I'm not doing this like one of the current in game versions, just trying to kinda capture the style. Cheers dude.
So I've done the retopo and some bakes. It's currently sitting at 10505 tris and I'm planning on adding some fur & hair planes.... now onto texturing!!
Since Valve released those amazing Dota2 Character Guides, I've seen in a few threads some people showing how they go about baking gradients, so I thought I'd put together a mini tut to show how I baked mine. There's quite a few ways to do it and this might not be the best way, but it works for me. I put this together late last night so hopefully it all makes sense :poly124:
I am really keen to see him with some colour now.
Great work Mr :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Low poly and bakes turned out really good, colour and texture stuff in the dota style should be really cool for this one, lookin forward to the final
(i guess for the sake of a crit, only thing that stands out atm is the jaggy normal biz on the boot sole, not sure if just painting over will fix it or make it worse, but one or the other ^_^)
Do continue, I await more updates with bated breath
@Alphavader: do not worry..we dont need to fight, we have already passed to the dark side of the force...now we just shake an alliance and we will conquer the universe!!..and let this Post free from us XD.
(noise breathing) choooooo-kssh , choooooo-kssh.