Hi everyone,
this is my first post on polycount.
I started trying out hand painted texturing a couple of days ago and am pretty happy with the results. I was inspired by the work of Cordero espacially
this weapon.
The biggest issue i want to tackle next is the lack of medium sized detail (espacially at the wood). I don't want to use grungemaps or any photo texture, because I really want to improve my painting skills. Anyone got tips for me how to do this?
p3d links:

and the textures

Edit: Didn't watch the tutorial you posted. Are you not using a tablet?
I think it's a good start. One suggestion on my end would be to make some of the details larger and more noticeable. Like for example the nicks and cuts on the metal of the small knife are pretty small, and I think you could play those up more so they're more readable from a distance. I might say the same for the lines on the wood grain, though they look at a good size as is. Maybe the lines on the wood grain could use just a bit more contrast? Like a little more highlight on their edges?
However you proceed, just keep it up! Hand painted stuff is great.
until then crits or comments are welcome
the character definitely added to the texture. good stuff :P
I did a repaint of the texture, trying to achieve the brushstrokes you were talking about.
the result looks like this:
Although I think I could add a lot more detail to this and the texture is far away from finished. I'll probably step on to another model now, because the UV setup wasn't very good at this one and after spending an entire week with this spear and doing 3 redraws until now, I had enough of it for now. maybe I'll come back to it later.
I'll keep going with handpainted textures though and will keep posting my results in this thread.