It suddenly dawned on me that I haven't done a finished piece for ages. I really wanted to get better at sculpting females, work is 99.9% male anatomy and heads.
I've never read Hack/Slash but Cassie's attire, or lack of, suits an anatomy study of sorts.
Ignore the singlet, I'm going to change it.
Hope you enjoy, crits welcomed.

I think you need to grab yourself some good female anatomical references. She's quite masculine with broad shoulders, slender hips, large hands, manly thighs. her torso and hips are too thin in profile and lack the s-bend that you'd get to some extent even on a very slight female, or male for that matter.
All that said, I like what you've done with the face. It has a bit more strength and personality about it than a lot of the CG females you see around. Her lips and nose could be pushed forward a little however.
Lot's to do, but you've got a solid base to work from. I'll look forward to seeing some updates.
I think the shoulders are o.k. The pectoral wasn't transitioning to the bicep properly which made them look odd. A more relaxed posed will help too.
Made the hips wider and rounder.
Hands were indeed very big.
Widened the profile.
Update with new clothes and boots.
Maya viewport.
5854 tris.