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cowgirl 3d print

Hey guys, been a little while since I have posted but thought you would like to see one of our recent prints.
It’s an 8 inch print of "Lady Mechanika" by Joe Benitez that we have painted with a bronze effect.
It was modelled in zbrush by Ioannis karathoma[FONT=&quot]s [/FONT]http://www.jkarathomas.com/lady.html
[FONT=&quot]it really was a challenge to build, pushing what is possible pretty far. The print was built in 16 micron layers in separate parts then reassembled after painting. was very surprised the shoe laces came out!!!!!
On the whole I think it came out ok, what do you guys think? Enjoy![/FONT]



  • Hang10
    Damn that looks nice
  • re.wind
    That is an amazing 3D print. well done on getting so much detail into the print.

    i was thinking of something a bit more anthropomorphic when reading cowgirl, though. :p
  • SA_22
    sick!!.. cant wait till 3D printing becomes cheaper.. WANT 1!!
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    That looks awesome! where did you get it printed?
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    jarrede wrote: »
    That looks awesome! where did you get it printed?


    His company is linked in the profile. This looks really nice but I am curious as to how much this model would have cost a person to print if they were contacting you as opposed to you all creating a promotional piece. I don't see any pricing information on your page which translates to me as "You'll never afford it."

    I've also been curious as to the pricing of 3d prints. Are they expensive because of the materials used to create them or is it more of a "no one else makes these so we can have a high price to match demand."
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    The print detail look really good, very crisp. That bronze paint-over looks great on that model!
  • lewis
    praetus- well for this model we would have charged £340 for the initial print. That would have been supplied unfinished without the base. Then it would have been another £300-400 on top of that for the base and the time to assemble it and paint it to the standard you see here. Thing is this one is a very complicated piece to do, there are allot of complicated delicate parts to build, the model was build in 10 pieces then reassembled. If you are trying to judge how much it would be for another model id say this model is a bad comparison, because of the work involved it is expensive. the reason we don’t put pricing on our website is because every model is always very different so it is hard to put a general pricelist for prints, the only reliable way to get a price is for us to give a quote based on the cad data of the project at hand.

    In terms of why 3d prints in general are expensive it really is about the cost of the materials and the machine. The materials the model is printed in costs around £220 per kg! Then you have to factor in the support material that you need to build a part that costs around £100 per kg. Coupled with the initial cost of the machine itself (ours cost about £70k) you can see how these things get expensive when you are dealing with this level of accuracy.

    Hope that helps.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    couple of things here:

    first of all, she's not a cowgirl. she's "Lady Mechanika" so you'll want to make sure you contact Joe Benitez and make sure he's okay with you selling his character.

    second of all, you could have chosen a better model; ie. one that actually has the characters proper facial. don't get me wrong most of the model is decent, but it's very clear after looking over the sculpt that the artist failed to capture this glorious character as she should have been.

    and finally, i'm a little disappointed that EITHER of those things above had to be pointed out to you. there are hundreds... of not thousands of fantastic, ORIGINAL high res models to be found on this and many other sites, and i'm sure their creators would be thrilled to have worked with you.

    you've sold yourself short on this one, simply for the sake of a little due diligence.
  • Zenful
    Whoa, what's with the criticism. I thought the op is advertising his 3D printing service and showing off an example from an artist who bought and paid for the service.
  • Fred2303
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    Fred2303 polycounter lvl 7
    Wow thats great! love the bronze finish!
  • Bbox85
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    Bbox85 polycounter lvl 9
    couple of things here:

    first of all, she's not a cowgirl. she's "Lady Mechanika" so you'll want to make sure you contact Joe Benitez and make sure he's okay with you selling his character.

    second of all, you could have chosen a better model; ie. one that actually has the characters proper facial. don't get me wrong most of the model is decent, but it's very clear after looking over the sculpt that the artist failed to capture this glorious character as she should have been.

    and finally, i'm a little disappointed that EITHER of those things above had to be pointed out to you. there are hundreds... of not thousands of fantastic, ORIGINAL high res models to be found on this and many other sites, and i'm sure their creators would be thrilled to have worked with you.

    you've sold yourself short on this one, simply for the sake of a little due diligence.

    Geeze man, I think you could've been nicer with your response.

    This looks cool though. I'm a sucker for bronze statues ;)
  • lewis
    ok thanks for the heads up, until now we had no knowledge of lady Machanika. We always thought that that was entirely the work of Ioannis. So thank you for putting us straight.
    Joe has been contacted and as we are NOT selling these he has given us his support.

    That said it think that I must defend Ioannis's work. I think he did a great job on the modelling and so does Joe for that matter. The detail put into it is amazing.
    As you said there are allot of people out there that we could have worked with on this project, and we did indeed contact a good cross section. The point to this project was always to create a showpiece that could promote the capabilities of our 3d printer and ourselves. Ioannis's model ticked all the boxes; it had the right amount of detail and delicate parts to pose enough of a challenge from a technical point of view for us to warrant showing it off.

    You say we have sold ourselves short, i don’t think we have.
    Thanks again to Ioannis and Joe- great work.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    so what would a print of this size and quality cost at your place?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    sorry for being an ass, was a bad day.

    in a nutshell, i felt you had damaged yourself by not doing this kind of check up before you'd made the post. your services themselves are fantastic i can't argue (and wouldn't argue) with that, and i'm happy you had a good resolution! it could have gone the other way, and that would have sucked.

    again, sorry about that.
  • lewis
    almighty_gir- no problem it happens, thanks again for the head up ;)

    Neox- ;)
    lewis wrote: »
    praetus- well for this model we would have charged £340 for the initial print. That would have been supplied unfinished without the base. Then it would have been another £300-400 on top of that for the base and the time to assemble it and paint it to the standard you see here. Thing is this one is a very complicated piece to do, there are allot of complicated delicate parts to build, the model was build in 10 pieces then reassembled. If you are trying to judge how much it would be for another model id say this model is a bad comparison, because of the work involved it is expensive. the reason we don’t put pricing on our website is because every model is always very different so it is hard to put a general pricelist for prints, the only reliable way to get a price is for us to give a quote based on the cad data of the project at hand.

    In terms of why 3d prints in general are expensive it really is about the cost of the materials and the machine. The materials the model is printed in costs around £220 per kg! Then you have to factor in the support material that you need to build a part that costs around £100 per kg. Coupled with the initial cost of the machine itself (ours cost about £70k) you can see how these things get expensive when you are dealing with this level of accuracy.

    Hope that helps.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    SA_22 wrote: »
    sick!!.. cant wait till 3D printing becomes cheaper.. WANT 1!!
    You can pick up a consumer grade printer for $2400. We grabbed one for work just recently. You won't get the level of detail that Lewis' machines can pump out, but the quality is better than you might expect.
  • lewis
    oh nice, what make was it?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    oh snap, i just looked at your first post and a few others inbetween ehem...
  • SA_22
    Jackablade wrote: »
    You can pick up a consumer grade printer for $2400. We grabbed one for work just recently. You won't get the level of detail that Lewis' machines can pump out, but the quality is better than you might expect.

    you know how many hookers and drugs i could buy with that???!?!?! :poly142::poly142::poly142:

    lol nah if i had 2400 i would for sure be putting that into a new desktop this laptop is starting to feel its age ( its only 3 :( )

    lewis you plan on making any videos of the process from start to finish?.. that would be dope to see!
  • aaronmwolford
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    aaronmwolford polycounter lvl 8
    Oh man! The detail on this is incredible. Very nice!
  • lewis
    SA_22- yeah i am actually in the process of editing a video of the process ATM, im gonna try and get a revolving video of the Machanika model rotating to. should be done by the end of next week i should think, tons of work to do ;)
  • SA_22
    awesome cant wait!!!
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Hey Lewis,thanks for all the info, that was pretty informative. The print looks great. It really cool to see the level of detail that you guys can print.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    lewis wrote: »
    oh nice, what make was it?
    It's a Makerbot Replicator. We're still getting the hang of making good quality prints out of it, but once I get a chance to print something that's not under NDA I'll post it up here.
  • lewis
    yeah ive herd mixed things about those printers, it seems you definatly have to work at it to get any kind of decent prints from them from what ive herd. id be interested to see something once you get a chance ;)
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    I'm actually working on building a 3d printer as well. It's a Reprap Prusa Mendel90. Probably won't finish it in a while. But the cost will be closer to $250-$300 minus the plastic filament for printing.

    Probably going to make 2. First one will be rough since it will be my first one. Second will be the nicer shiny one :)

    In terms of the quality I think lewis's prints will definately be higher resolution though. But I have seen some decent results from Repraps and Makerbots if you have the right settings.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    You could probably build a Makerbot for that kind of price if you felt so inclined - it's more or less all off the shelf parts, but it'd be a lot of work putting it together and a whole lot more getting the thing to pump out decent prints.

    I think the Makerbots have improved considerably since earlier versions. I think what we're getting is pretty much on par with what Shapeways does - it's not super high detail, but it's likely good enough for most people and sandable if need be. It'll never match a $20,000 printer, but it's certainly not a bad result.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    That's practically what I'm doing. There isn't much difference tech-wise comparing a Makerbot to most Reprap machines. Makerbot is sort of just a specific 3d printer design with that box that helps keep temperature stable and whatnot.

    Reprap has a pretty helpful IRC chat for people that run into problems when building one. So far the area that will be the easiest to get stuck at in building one is the wiring. Making sure you don't short out anything and that's it's all plugged in right.

    There is also something called a Filabot in the works that will melt down shredded plastic or plastic pellets into filament for it. The current version the creator is making can be stripped down to a $250 price tag and still function and do a decent job.
  • lewis
    just thought you guys would want to see video of this model wink2.gif

    just make sure you watch in high def wink2.gif

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss3bLZvyMBI"]"Lady Mechanika" 3d print by PD Models - YouTube[/ame]
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