Hey there guys! I'm working on a unity game right now, and starting to do optimisation to make the game run as smoothly as possible. I'm not really the computer wiz so a lot of the technical side of the optimisation i dont always get. i was wondering if any of you would be able to help me understand some concepts:
Is color vertex something that is heavy for a machine ( i this case, IOS platforms) and if so, is there a way of optimizing without loosing the ability to use the RBG?( i could do without alpha, since of what i understood, this was one of the reasons the color vertex was deemed very heavy).
Right now, we are using a mix of texture maps (psds) with alphas and colours vertex ( in the same shader) to give more colours variety to our game. but with the optimization pass, we will be loosing the colours vertex...
So my questions are: Is colours vertex heavy, If so Why and how could i go around using it more efficiently.
just costs a little more memory for the mesh, since it needs to store a additional 3 4 values on each vertex.
so basically, the heavy part of it all, is having big translucent gradients trough out the game, even if the mesh is just a simple rectangle (2 triangles)? because that it really what makes your graphics card sweat: it tries to calculate the interpolation between the two colours you set on your vertices?
Is it the same thing with Gradients between solid colours?
So, would if be able to make your shader ignore the colours vertex alpha, without ignoring the texture maps alpha, and if it works, would it make the game any lighter?
Thank you so much for your help! im kinda clueless when it comes to the technicality of things! im hoping to get better at understanding these things!
In the same train of thoughts, would you recommend any kind of documentation on the subject of optimization i could get my hands on?
Thanks again!
No ignoring the colour really wouldn't make it any noticeable lighter, colour is cheap, it is the translucency that will cost you the most.
the expensive part isnt the gradient in the alpha either, the reason why translucency is more expensive than most things is because of z-sorting, and having to make the GPU work harder to figure out what order things render in to display correctly with translucency. the interpolation between colours or alphas is cheap to calculate, it is sorting things out by there z-depth that costs the most gpu time with translucency.
the cost of alpha will hit no matter what if it's used, doesn't matter if it;s coming from a texture, or from vertex alpha or a other source.
hopefully one of the shader guys will pop into the topic to help you out, someone like Laurens Corijn(xoliul) has a pretty massive amount of knowledge about shaders and could better guide you.
Vertex alpha, just like texture-based alpha, doesn't directly translate into transparency. If you want, your shader could use your texture's red channel to determine an object's transparency, instead of the alpha channel; same goes with vertex colors/alpha.
You're correct that alpha transparency is something that can cause performance issues if not dealt with carefully. However, your apparent assumption that using texture-based transparency will be cheaper is incorrect. The vertex shader, especially on scenes/objects with few triangles, is always going to be faster than the pixel shader simply due to not having to run its calculations as often (per vertex, instead of per pixel).
So just to be sure, if i am to use colors vertex, i really just need to make sure to use the Alpha as little as possible? then i wont be over loading the graphic card to deal with the z-sorting?
is having two alpha values also one of the things that could be heavy? or dos it not make a difference at all.
So shader-wise, is there a way of ignoring the alpha channel in the vertex so there is no possible way it could calculate it ( say i put a 95 percent value on some vertex by accident).
Thank you so much LoTekK and Passerby!! you guys are reall life savers!!
you should prolly get a look at your framerate and fillrate, and whatnot before you go and over optimize, and decide on what is a aspect frame rate on what device, for your and your team.
got to treat it like a balancing act, dont want a game that runs fast as hell but looks bad, and was serverly limiting to it;s artist, nor do you want it running unplayable slow, but looking pretty.
Thanks all of you for helping me figuring out all the technical side of it all! you guys really saved my hide! i always sound like a dummy asking questions to my team, without knowing the names of anything or what they do (like fill-rate and all that mambo jumbo!) But now i know! Thanks to you!
I'm guessing all those terms you learn either by going to school for a long time ( masters in numeric art i suppose?) or working in the industry for a while?
mesh : 419kb
vsel : 32kb (don't know what this is)
alpha : 193kb
illum : 193kb
vc : 774kb
map: 294kb
so alpha+illum+vc = 1.13Mb
total : 1.86Mb
More than half of the model weight is dedicated to the vertex color and alpha, so maybe that's what they mean by heavy.
If everything's opaque then it just processes one colour per pixel - too many layers, or too much of your screen with transparency, and it'll bog down.
Usually removing vertex colours will save some speed - any engine worth its salt won't send the extra info unless your mesh requires it (and Unity is worth its salt)
But like passerby said, you should profile and know why it's running slowly before you optimise. Otherwise you could waste your time optimising the 80% that is already fast enough, or (even worse) slow it down more
I know the basics for sure. like not to much polygones, not to much textures and not to big, but i never learned the reasons to why they where heavy!
So if you guys have any idea as to where i could start learning all these things and get better at optimising, you would really be saving my life!
Thank you so much for all the help you already gave me! you guys are awesome!
If it's running *slow* then they shouldn't be looking at vertex colours because that's going to reduce *memory*. Caching means there's a link between memory and speed, but that's not a good enough reason to drop vertex colours.
You shouldn't need to remake assets too many times, unless the specs of the game are changing dramatically. Your programmers can run tests where they take a small number of initial assets and place hundreds of them down to simulate the final game, then test speed by changing the rendering properties - adding/removing shaders, changing percentage of alpha, larger models on screen, more vertices, etc. They can do this at the start of the project (or tell them to do it now if they haven't already). Unless you're making a sequel, where all your budgets and specs have been well established, your programmers should do this for every new game.