Jokes aside, I'm not sure what to think about it all, it's took them how many years to the the latest engine pipeline up to par, while at the same time dismantling and rebuilding internal groups?
I wish them the best, but it's honestly worrisome on how they said the mobile division has been taken to the core titles since they could be better served there, no studio I ever follow ever said that so boldly.
Also, fuck you to the guys who so smugly said 'yeah' when Carmack talked about the Rage PC fiasco, how about you fucking wankers buy an nVidia next time and update your Drivers instead of keeping your 7 year old driver on your old ATi card, Carmack is a programmer, not a wizard.
I find it difficult to get excited by id keynotes now. Rage was such a disappointment for me that it's stopped me from buying into hype and pre-orders completely.
And I played it on an nVidia GPU, with a whole bunch of problems.
Jokes aside, I'm not sure what to think about it all, it's took them how many years to the the latest engine pipeline up to par, while at the same time dismantling and rebuilding internal groups?
I wish them the best, but it's honestly worrisome on how they said the mobile division has been taken to the core titles since they could be better served there, no studio I ever follow ever said that so boldly.
Also, fuck you to the guys who so smugly said 'yeah' when Carmack talked about the Rage PC fiasco, how about you fucking wankers buy an nVidia next time and update your Drivers instead of keeping your 7 year old driver on your old ATi card, Carmack is a programmer, not a wizard.
my AMD card is less than 18 months old... and why should i be forced to buy nVidia? i've had (personal experience alert!!!) nothing but bad service from them in the past.
I just got to the part where Carmack gives his thoughts about Onlive--around the 45-50 minute mark....That's crazy to think that there's more latency between most computer-to-monitor rigs then there is in a transatlantic packet delivery.
Madness isnt it, he has stated a few times that this latency is his new bug bear. From what he has said getting the driverboards to have 250hz update rates shouldnt be an issue however the difficulty will come when whoever builds panels for these HMD's can meet a desired 120hz refresh, there has been a lot of talk that the ideal panels for these HMD's will be something like this Toshiba panel.
I couldnt find it specified however the likelihood is that those LCD's will be 60hz but with OLED panels we can realistically see the issue of resolution and update rates resolved in the near future. Then the last major issue becomes the 6DOF orientation. He stated in his keynote that the 250hz hillcrest model (which is included in the kickstarter) does a really good job but drifts after time so there is room to improve there.
It will be really interesting to see where control peripherals go from here on, it certainly makes getting something like a razor Hydra a more appealing proposition.
Smart dude, Carmack. Fascinating hearing him talk about anything.
That being said, he has the tendency of ending sentences with the word "there", and it's charming at first, gets annoying later, then the charm returns once you get used to it.
Interesting to hear his thoughts on VR... I thought it was a topic most people didn't seriously consider, and that no one was really working to innovate it. I had no idea it could "potentially" be one of the next big things, and that Sony was developing something of the sort.
my AMD card is less than 18 months old... and why should i be forced to buy nVidia? i've had (personal experience alert!!!) nothing but bad service from them in the past.
Same can be said of ATi, only that in my case, the old KOTOR game got fixed a bug of Transparency, about several years later properly, until then, you had to roll to a very specific driver or get a community patch.
Same with the old Fable game on PC, it took them 2 years I think to fix one small issues that had a lag thing going on the menu and mouse.
NFS Wanted also had issues, and B&W2 which was an ATi partner game literally crashed on certain settings, until they released a proper driver update, several months later, about 3 updates after.
Also, during the time that the X800 came out, and quite abit after it too (not sure about now) I would uninstall my drivers, cleanup and install the new ones, no matter what I did, each driver iteration would slow down the CP even further, to the point that once I had 5 CP open's because I clicked so much, and each opened 1 minute after, even a fresh Windows Install didn't help.
My several nVidia's on the other hand survived 3 lightning strikes 8 over-heatings, didn't force me to search update community patches or driver changes after every game, work with all the softwares like Max and Marmoset.
Am I saying that ATi is a bad company? No, just that they're careless in some cases, and I have nothing against you, but in the Quack-Con video, when someone so smugly says "Yeah!" about the whole issue, it's their fault, they made their bed, they get to sleep in it, or can ask from their original provider a better bed, not the person who provided you with tent and ground rent.
'PC gamers' who complain about a game performing poorly need to quit acting so elitist and go buy consoles. If you're going to look down on people who play 'kiddy' games because of some weird superiority complex, you need to walk the walk. My PC chewed rage up at a zillion fps on GORGEOUS settings with a shitty, several years old videocard in it -- running 64 bit windows, with an ssd, with enough ram, with all my mobo and processor drivers and firmware up to date.
you know i .... im impressed of the i * munch* ... information but this should really be i splittet into more videos, so one could take a I .... piss without wanting to stay there listen without daring to pause.
also why didnt he try just use 4 of these good position + rotation chips detection chips, so he had data every cycle
Saw both videos and, as a programmer, it's really interesting. I could't really follow some of his "to the metal" tangents but that makes it all the more impressive (and makes me feel stupid ).
Also, did anyone laugh when he said he considered teaching his son Haskell? Brilliant!
I'm a big admirer of Carmack, have been since the internet allowed me to learn about him and the stuff he does.
I also really liked Rage both as a game (because of the gamepaly dynamics that were refreshingly different from all the COD clones) and especially the unique look that the virtual texturing has made possible. They've really managed to realize Sparth's concept artwork.
With that said it seems he lost his interest in creating a competitive engine, and instead choses to focus on a few aspects only. Virtualizing textures was indeed a long time coming, and it's a good feature, just as virtualizing geometry would be.
But id's tech is very limited in many other aspects like lighting, dynamics, shaders, and so on. I find it a little strange how he doesn't seem to be bothered about this at all...
Well, since they aren't licensing their engines anymore it doesn't seem totally out of line that he wouldn't be concerned with hitting every feature people want.
As for the shaders - isn't megatexture sort of at odds with a robust shader system? I mean, everything bakes down so the actual runtime shaders don't require too much complexity. I think ... I don't know THAT much about the details but that's my impression.
Megatexture is an implementation of virtual texturing, where the texture is completely unique and it allows for baking the lighting (and they baked speculars on some surfaces, too).
But it isn't necessary and you can have a fully dynamic, gamma correct linear lighting pipeline. Battlefield 3 does (but I think it's not unique texturing) and Lionhead's tech works like this as well.
The main reason to simplify everything in Rage was that they wanted to run at 60fps on the current consoles. Maybe they want to release Doom4 on current hardware, too, but whatever they do next is probably not going to be as limited by hardware.
Besides, Carmack's always been a supporter of doing the Right Thing, and a HDR gamma correct lighting pipeline and energy conserving shaders should be something pretty important. Rage made certain trade-offs, yes, just as Doom3 or Wolfenstein 3D or pretty much any of his previous games - but he always took the next step when he was able to. Maybe he's not talking about it because it's already an industry standard and he's more interested in researching unexplored stuff...
Jokes aside, I'm not sure what to think about it all, it's took them how many years to the the latest engine pipeline up to par, while at the same time dismantling and rebuilding internal groups?
I wish them the best, but it's honestly worrisome on how they said the mobile division has been taken to the core titles since they could be better served there, no studio I ever follow ever said that so boldly.
Also, fuck you to the guys who so smugly said 'yeah' when Carmack talked about the Rage PC fiasco, how about you fucking wankers buy an nVidia next time and update your Drivers instead of keeping your 7 year old driver on your old ATi card, Carmack is a programmer, not a wizard.
This is pretty much the best advice anyone can give somebody :poly124:
Felt sorry for him when he was apologising, fair play to him for doing so, especially after this length of time he could have just not mentioned it.
It was sad to see how empty the crowd was toward the end but I hear they had some weird issues with getting people in the doors at quakecon.
And I played it on an nVidia GPU, with a whole bunch of problems.
my AMD card is less than 18 months old... and why should i be forced to buy nVidia? i've had (personal experience alert!!!) nothing but bad service from them in the past.
To watch Batmans cape flapping in the wind, duh!
For those that missed it I also highly recommend the 'virtual insanity' panel as well.
Its hard not to get excited by the prospects of the Oculus rift it really will be a game changer over the next few years.
I couldnt find it specified however the likelihood is that those LCD's will be 60hz but with OLED panels we can realistically see the issue of resolution and update rates resolved in the near future. Then the last major issue becomes the 6DOF orientation. He stated in his keynote that the 250hz hillcrest model (which is included in the kickstarter) does a really good job but drifts after time so there is room to improve there.
It will be really interesting to see where control peripherals go from here on, it certainly makes getting something like a razor Hydra a more appealing proposition.
That being said, he has the tendency of ending sentences with the word "there", and it's charming at first, gets annoying later, then the charm returns once you get used to it.
Interesting to hear his thoughts on VR... I thought it was a topic most people didn't seriously consider, and that no one was really working to innovate it. I had no idea it could "potentially" be one of the next big things, and that Sony was developing something of the sort.
Same can be said of ATi, only that in my case, the old KOTOR game got fixed a bug of Transparency, about several years later properly, until then, you had to roll to a very specific driver or get a community patch.
Same with the old Fable game on PC, it took them 2 years I think to fix one small issues that had a lag thing going on the menu and mouse.
NFS Wanted also had issues, and B&W2 which was an ATi partner game literally crashed on certain settings, until they released a proper driver update, several months later, about 3 updates after.
Also, during the time that the X800 came out, and quite abit after it too (not sure about now) I would uninstall my drivers, cleanup and install the new ones, no matter what I did, each driver iteration would slow down the CP even further, to the point that once I had 5 CP open's because I clicked so much, and each opened 1 minute after, even a fresh Windows Install didn't help.
My several nVidia's on the other hand survived 3 lightning strikes 8 over-heatings, didn't force me to search update community patches or driver changes after every game, work with all the softwares like Max and Marmoset.
Am I saying that ATi is a bad company? No, just that they're careless in some cases, and I have nothing against you, but in the Quack-Con video, when someone so smugly says "Yeah!" about the whole issue, it's their fault, they made their bed, they get to sleep in it, or can ask from their original provider a better bed, not the person who provided you with tent and ground rent.
> Two songs playing at the same time.....
The internet told me he's both. Also he has a space-flight capable Ferrari, and lives in a mountain made of Legos.
I meant PhysX ;P Not to mention CUDA and other GPU goodies for making our dev jobs easier. S'all good though, if people prefer AMD more power to 'em.
also why didnt he try just use 4 of these good position + rotation chips detection chips, so he had data every cycle
Also, did anyone laugh when he said he considered teaching his son Haskell? Brilliant!
I also really liked Rage both as a game (because of the gamepaly dynamics that were refreshingly different from all the COD clones) and especially the unique look that the virtual texturing has made possible. They've really managed to realize Sparth's concept artwork.
With that said it seems he lost his interest in creating a competitive engine, and instead choses to focus on a few aspects only. Virtualizing textures was indeed a long time coming, and it's a good feature, just as virtualizing geometry would be.
But id's tech is very limited in many other aspects like lighting, dynamics, shaders, and so on. I find it a little strange how he doesn't seem to be bothered about this at all...
As for the shaders - isn't megatexture sort of at odds with a robust shader system? I mean, everything bakes down so the actual runtime shaders don't require too much complexity. I think ... I don't know THAT much about the details but that's my impression.
But it isn't necessary and you can have a fully dynamic, gamma correct linear lighting pipeline. Battlefield 3 does (but I think it's not unique texturing) and Lionhead's tech works like this as well.
The main reason to simplify everything in Rage was that they wanted to run at 60fps on the current consoles. Maybe they want to release Doom4 on current hardware, too, but whatever they do next is probably not going to be as limited by hardware.
Besides, Carmack's always been a supporter of doing the Right Thing, and a HDR gamma correct lighting pipeline and energy conserving shaders should be something pretty important. Rage made certain trade-offs, yes, just as Doom3 or Wolfenstein 3D or pretty much any of his previous games - but he always took the next step when he was able to. Maybe he's not talking about it because it's already an industry standard and he's more interested in researching unexplored stuff...