Hi all.
I am wondering, what defines a beauty render for a game model actually?
Lets say you have a finished game model, and you would like to show it at its very best, how will you do so?
1) Do you put advanced 3-point or more lighting down?
2) Use mental ray / vray instead of standard renderer?
3) Do you touch up your model's final render in Photoshop to give glowy eyes, shinier weapons, put a grunge overlay etc?
4) Do you cheat by using SSS on your character's skin? (My classmate did that. I am curious if that's a standard practice)
5) How do you crank up render settings?
6) Do you cheat by using a bigger texture map than you are allocated?
7) Any major points or tips that u experts could give? I have been looking through many game model showcases and Dom War renders, but I do not know how these great artists did it)
Sorry that I have so many questions here, but the concept of a game model beauty render is very alien to me, and I am really curious about how those Dominance War artist create such beautiful renders of their game models.
Thanks for reading. You guys helped me greatly once, and I would appreciate your help again.
2) I wouldn't. For game models, you wanna display it in real time. Throw it in an engine, or set up a viewport shader...don't render it.
3) Some do, some don't. I personally view it as cheating. All those things listed can be done on the model itself without painting over it in photoshop.
4) Same thing, cheating is bad, mkayyyy.
5) What? Like I mentioned before...don't render it...put it in a game engine or get a viewport grab. The end result in a game is rendered in real time, so you should do the same.
6) If I'm doing a portfolio piece...I'll go nuts with a larger texture, sure. If somebody is giving you a specific texture size limit..they might want to see the presented model with the correct texture res...but just for pimping your model...I think its fine to go a little bigger.
7) Practice, practice, practice. That is all.
I hope this helps
Alright then. No cheating it is, just the way I did it.
I know you said no renderer, but what about using the default scanline renderer without tweaking its settings? Asking this again because I 've had people tell me the default scanline renderer(as long as I do not touch its settings) can be considered game engine quality.
No, don't use a any renderer of any type for a game asset if you can. Toss it in a real time environment such as UDK and Marmoset. If you do want to you 3ds max or maya, grab a viewport shader such as xoluil. I do use vray though to show off my HP models but never for a finished game asset.
I will check out those engines u mentioned.
They are 100 percent wrong.