Hey guys and girls, here's my latest WIP environment, a Chinatown alleyway. It's still very much early stages so a lot of the assets are still placeholder bits and the post-processing and colours are all still being experimented with but hopefully it should progress quite nicely.
If you have any crit or feedback I'd love to hear it, I'm always trying to improve so it would be greatly appreciated!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl8TaDOTW7o"]Chinatown_WIP_v001 - YouTube[/ame]
The first thing I noticed is a brick wall - to the left, it looks "flat", try to use parallax mapping to improve the species.
Just look bad cartons:
at first they do not look soaked - and yet the rain.
secondly too evident that they are made simple with the box - try to fix it as described above.
My next update will probably be quite radical due to other feedback I've had regards the core design, so it will require effectively rebuilding from the ground up. Hopefully I'll have something worth showing by the end of tomorrow!
Yes! Forgot to ask - you do the level of play, or simply a composition of 3D?