The max 2012 planar map. When I hit align to normal it is not aligning the planar map to the polygons normals I have selected! :mad: Like in previous versions of max where it worked perfectly with 'averaged normals'
I tried resetting the transforms through the hiearchy tab of all my objects. I tried resetting pivot points, aligning to object, aligning to world. still don't work.
I tried merging the objects into a new scene but problem persists. So it is somthing weird with my model itself. I happened to put a edit normals on it and the normals look very strange... how do i fix the normals ?
my stack is clean, its collapsed down to edit poly.
Add an Edit Normals modifier. Select all the normals. Press the Reset button. Collapse the stack.
Yep, usually a export/import a la OBJ will do the trick, you could also 'clone' the mesh and it should fix it to, as long as you delete the original from the scene, although it doesn't always work.