Here's a scene I've been working on for over a month now. The walls are all BSP and everything else is comprised of modular meshes. I used Max, Zbrush, Xnormal, and UDK to create the scene. All of the pics are viewport screencaps from UDK.
this is a really nice scene dude love it. But I want some wires and some detail. Could you go into some of your processes? I want to leeeeaaaarrn. Also put your images into the post. Don't make me click more than I have to =P I'm lazy
That plant is 9k triangles? Why would you not use alpha planes? The stone lantern looks like you could shave off a lot of triangles and not really lose much visual fidelity
That plant is 9k triangles? Why would you not use alpha planes? The stone lantern looks like you could shave off a lot of triangles and not really lose much visual fidelity
Transparency and overdraw kills a scene more than triangles, so I usually cut out the mesh around the leaves to eliminate lots of overdraw.
The scene could definitely be optimized for sure.For now, I'm making good use of modular pieces, material instances, and texture sheets. Also, the walls are all BSP, which is very cheap in Unreal. The most expensive thing in the scene are the particles effects (smoke and cherry blossoms).
looks amazing, all the assets are very well done. thanks for posting breakdowns. I love seeing how modular things are like your roof set etc. great work
Transparency and overdraw kills a scene more than triangles, so I usually cut out the mesh around the leaves to eliminate lots of overdraw.
The scene could definitely be optimized for sure.For now, I'm making good use of modular pieces, material instances, and texture sheets. Also, the walls are all BSP, which is very cheap in Unreal. The most expensive thing in the scene are the particles effects (smoke and cherry blossoms).
[Edit] Here's a quickie optimize for ya...
Cut the bamboo tree down below 4,000.