myself and a few other people from another forum are looking for a new home.
We all are Daz Hexagon users, but we all are using xsi also. I am using the mod tool myself.
We often tend to discuss xsi all the time lately, but we do not feel we should be doing that in the Daz forum.
Are there many xsi users here?
we want to expand our skills, none of us are pro. We want to learn and move to another level.
I have been in this forum on and off a few times and feel it is a great resource.
So if there are any XSI users here we could use your help.
I used that a LOT when I was using XSI.
I have got that warning in there different browsers. Chrome, Firefox and opera.
sounds awesome.
man comming from xsi, i wish you good luck...
so where should I post XSI specific questions in this forum?
You can always pm me if you don't get any replies quickly, I am on multiple times throughout the day.
How did you survive a crash course in Maya? I'm being slowly introduced and I still get lost in the UI sometimes...
3Ds Max is my main now (learned it in about 2-3 weeks for some art tests), and now have to learn Maya and Zbrush for employment soon.
Max to Maya is way easier than XSI to Max though, in terms of interface and shortcuts. Even Zbrush seems to share many shortcuts with Max and Maya, which is great.
Once you learn the things that 3D apps all have in common, (grid systems, snapping, moving vertex, points, and edges, as well as inset, bevel, and extrude, plus more of course like UV and material editors, and more), it becomes much easier to learn new programs when you know what you need to learn to become proficient in said program.
Of course, Zbrush and related programs aren't so straight-forward. Well, Mudbox is.
I had great co-workers that knew what the tools I needed were.
Welcome to the Polycount, here you will find the help you need to fine tune your art / game art skills.
I am experienced with 3ds max and Maya and currently learning Luxology modo, but I have been using Softimage XSI for a long time and use it as my main modeling tool.
Feel free to ask any questions when you need em.
Great forum here.
good luck mate, also im a xsi and maya user with a dash of max on the side.
learn the marking menus, lmb, shift+lmb, control+lmb and the ones on the q, w, e, , r and o keys, make yourself your own custom shelf, and also learn a little mel. which shouldn't take more than a hour if you know any other C like programming languages.
once you get used to maya the marking menus and UI make a lot of sense.