NuZero linked this in awesomeness thread. I collected a few of the examples from old threads. I'm not registered on reddit so feel free to share them over there if you are.
Inbefore massive influx of "experts" telling artists they're wasting time on these "silly hidden things because the graphics sux" and "I have an idea for a game but I need modellllerrsssss"
Inbefore massive influx of "experts" telling artists they're wasting time on these "silly hidden things because the graphics sux" and "I have an idea for a game but I need modellllerrsssss"
I have an idea for a game but I need modelllers!!!!
Hey Paynter, no need to get your ego into this. This is not a bad thing. Sure, it isn't the intended outcome of putting the greentooth in the games, but this is a public forum, and people can do what they want with what they see here.
It's really no big deal, no matter how you look at it.
There's something to what he's saying, Poopson. Many agree that this kind of exposure can easily take the charm out of what made it fun in the first place. Some are even worried that it could prompt a crackdown by developers, from what I hear they are already pretty tight about these sort of things.
Hey Paynter, no need to get your ego into this. This is not a bad thing. Sure, it isn't the intended outcome of putting the greentooth in the games, but this is a public forum, and people can do what they want with what they see here.
It's really no big deal, no matter how you look at it.
Fail to see what this has to do with anyones 'ego'. I agree with him tbh. Now Leads are gonna crack down on this sort of thing even more once publishers see this reddit post.
The ego is what would make someone mad about something like this. Like this 'secret' was ours, alone. When in truth, we had a thread with all of these images in it. It's a public forum. How is this any different? Admittedly, Reddit has a wider viewership, but a lot of these are obvious uses of the greentooth in plain-view; if art directors didn't mind then, why would they now? Yeah, the publishers could get mad, but again, it's posted here as well. I think it's a waste to get mad About something someone posted on the internet. Especially when we aren't even sure something bad will come of it.
I see dpaynter26's point, but hey, at least they didn't tell you exactly WHERE they were- people can still go on a hunt eh? On the flip side though it does bring exposure to good ol' Polycount which isn't a bad thing (the ad revenue that PC must have got from the influx of views must have been really helpful).
He wasn't being elitist or anything like that- he's just feeling protective over our community and that's no bad thing - it's a good day for Polycount, let's not fight
I'm not sure if the polycount logo was meant for polycounters only, it's more like "polycount was here" type of thing if I understand it correctly.
It would be pretty ridiculous if it's meant for one specific forum when all it takes is just registering on said forum. If anything that's some cool advertisement for polycount.
Anarchy Online
PSC (cheat)
Now we just need to get it in films...
One of mines in there! The halloween lantern at the bottom.
Oh crap has Gangnahm style gone global?
Maybe? I was sent this and was told that part has to be a gif immediately, so i made one. hah
Back on topic though, Greentooth will be making his way to Playstation Home. Just waiting on the object release to post pictures
I have an idea for a game but I need modelllers!!!!
Did I forget a S?
But you didn't comp two greentooth's on their heads! Have you learned nothing from this thread??
It's really no big deal, no matter how you look at it.
Fail to see what this has to do with anyones 'ego'. I agree with him tbh. Now Leads are gonna crack down on this sort of thing even more once publishers see this reddit post.
He wasn't being elitist or anything like that- he's just feeling protective over our community and that's no bad thing - it's a good day for Polycount, let's not fight
/polycount hipster
There was a time when Greentooth was uncool?
I think not!
It would be pretty ridiculous if it's meant for one specific forum when all it takes is just registering on said forum. If anything that's some cool advertisement for polycount.