I am having problems while trying to export a scene from Maya to motionbuilder.The problem is when I try to export with fbx,most times Maya crashes if it doesn't,fbx says there are some problems with skin definitions,constraints were not exported.If I export cameras,the animation of the cameras in motionbuilder become totally different from the way I animated it In Maya.Some of my meshes become missing in MB,some deform badly and the imported camera gives the meshes in MB a jagged look whereas if I use a MB camera,the models look clean.Some of the skeletons don't move the way I animated it in Maya either.
I have tried baking the animations of the skeletons and camera before exporting,they still don't move the way I animated them.I am thinking of cleaning up the mesh,deleting the animations of the skeleton and try to eliminate the problems in fbx,so that when I import into MB,the new skeletal mesh is clean and then I import the animated skeleton and do retargeting to get all the animation I have done back into MB,but if the animated skeleton does not move the way I animated it,does that mean I have to start from scratch again in motionbuilder?
Next problem is the camera still behaving funny.I don't know if this is due to the motion path it followed and then I animated the constraints to be off in order to use it for other camera shots.I noticed a little flip of the cape here and there but major progress.All this is after importing it into motionbuilder.
Funny,thing is I imported the fbx file into a new scene in Maya and everything works fine except for the missing character's body.I wonder why the camera is not behaving well in motionbuilder.