Hey guys,
I think I've finally
FINISHED it or at least almost finished it. I can't think of more, mostly because I want to work on something else now :P

Hey guys,
I haven't had much time to my self to work on any thing recently so Finally I've managed to get some time to work on something.
I've decided to make a next gen quality modern-ish rocket launcher heavily based on the SMAW. I've always loved the shape of the SMAW, and I have not really made a decent weapon model in a while so I figured I'd have a go.
I've finished the high res mesh, and low res mesh + bake. I'm currently in the texturing process, so expect to see some updates. I have made some progress, but it is fairly early on at the moment, and I'd much rather have a little more detail painted in before I make an update. Ofcourse I'm texturing one part at a time, and starting with the reciever, so when that has a bit more progress on it, I'll make an update.
High Res Mesh:

Low Res Mesh:
4096x4096 Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Gloss
Triangle: 9717

In case you guys want to see
references here it is:

Nice Bake! Everything came out super clean. I'd say the polycount and texture sizes are double what you'd expect out of a modern day fps weapon.
Check out these weapons and the level of detail obtained using 1k maps and 1.5-3k tris.
If I were you, I'd go ahead and texture at 2k resolution and then drop it down, and try to optimize the low poly down to 3k tris or so. Sometimes some extra polygons help in the baking of cylindrical-shaped objects.:)
If you post some wires, we could probably help point out some areas that could be optimized/spot problems.
Good luck in the texturing process!
Here is what I have so far.
nice to see you posting stuff on polycount, the bake came out nice and i love that chunky highpoly.
cant wait to see how this comes along
Hey man, thanks
@ Oniram
Yeah for sure. I definitely need to take another pass on the receiver, right now it just doesn't look quite right.
Anyways, sorry for the very long wait, but I've finally got some time to work on this sucker so here is a quick update.
Can't wait to see it finished.
dude you got it, look cool!
Also, a pretty weird question maby, but could you tell us how you achieved those clean high poly renders? Is it just somekind of clayrender or sumthing? I have a pretty hard time showcasing stuff like that.
Good job on this!
I think I've finally FINISHED it or at least almost finished it. I can't think of more, mostly because I want to work on something else now :P
Great job, looking forward to seeing more!
@ Komaokc, Thanks, I might make the 1st person animations and post em up here, I think other then that there probably wont be any more to show.
@ Raptor_v9600, thanks I very much appreciate it.
but i think there are a lot of wasted polys in your model
but again super nice texture
The tube that you have running along side the weapon, is in reality, a spotting rifle's barrel.
I noticed you modelled the magazine for the spotting round, as well as the mechanism that fires it, but you've closed off the barrel at the end.
Thats my only real crit.