I'm encountering a strange problem with my rigging. I've modeled a basic female meh and I've posed UDK's Female Biped to fit my mesh, I've only manipulated the bip_xxx objects to get the biped to fit my mesh. The basic pose is upright with arms out at shoulder height. The problem comes in when I exit Pose Mode to begin animating, the model then assumes the default pose which reall screws up the shape of the modeel in certain area's especialy around the neck. I've tried using Set Skin Pose but I'm not having any luck.
Any idea's where I've gone wrong?
Yes I did. And then as soon as I exit Figure Mode she slumps back to the "default" biped pose.
Thanks for the reply!
do you have keys on the biped when you're doing this?
If so, turn off figure mode, go to the 'Keyframing tools' rollout and click the clear all animation button it looks like a white eraser. You will know the animation has been cleared because the footstep button will be available, you can't use footsteps if there are keys on the biped. If it is still grayed out, you have keys somewhere, you probably clicked the little eraser that scrubs one system (arm, leg spine ect), instead of the big eraser that scrubs the entire biped.
Then toggle on and off figure mode and the figure mode pose should carry over to the regular animation default pose. If it doesn't, copy the figure mode pose using the copy/paste pose library, turn on autokey and paste the pose on frame 0.
One other thing you should do, is set the skin pose. Then select all of the biped pieces, hold alt and right click the viewport and choose 'set skin pose'. Then turn off figure mode, turn on auto key and on frame 0 paste the pose that you just copied, being sure to turn on the 'paste horizontal, vertical and rotation' buttons.
Frame 0 will now be the frame that your skeleton and mesh understand as the pose that they where bound together. Which will help smooth out a lot of things later on.
Typically the workflow goes:
- Clear all animation, including the motion mixer.
- Turn on figure mode, position the joints in the right places.
- Copy the bind pose to the library.
- Exit figure mode, with autokey off, set skin pose (select biped pieces, hold alt, right click viewport)
- Turn on Autokey, paste the bind pose on frame 0, turn autokey off.
- Apply skin make sure the reference frame is set to 0 (which is default).
Actually you can change frame 0 after it has all been bound, because biped and skin have systems in place to help with that, but it can get buggy and a buggy biped as you've experienced is trouble, so why invite more problems you have enough to deal with. Just start your animations at frame 1.
Some people get sloppy and don't set the skin pose and they screw with the reference frame but they typically are the people that have the most issues... heh.
Thank you so much! Your first suggestion was spot on the money. I used the "Clear all animation" button and the pose snapped right back to the correct version. Also thanks very much the he detailed workflow, I shall remember that for future projects!
Thanks very much for helping out, and also to you too sprunghunt!
I shall endeavor to avoid being sloppy