The Other Brothers is on Kickstarter!
I am excited to see the response after only 15 minutes but I hope even more than my fellow Greenteeth will support us because not only does it mean that we can actually eat and survive the next few months, it also means that we will be able to get real translators, musicians and hardware in to make this game exceptional. On top of that, you guys will be able to craft the game yourselves by communicating with us through the beta testing forum that will go up soon!
Please spread the word and donate as much as you can afford!
The Other Brothers is a family-fun platformer with a retro pixel-art vibe. It stars Joe & Jim, a team of mechanics who stumble upon a mafia kidnapping involving a beautiful young lass- and that's where the adventure begins!
The Other Brothers will be released for iOS, Android, Mac and PC initially but other platforms are on the cards.
The title is developed with a combination of Unity 3D and the Simian Tech engines ( / (
Your backing will help the team with:
* Your backing will allow us (4 people) to work solely on completing the game for a fall 2012 Release. First to iOS, then Android, MAC and PC.
* Additional Localization Languages (Japanese, Spanish, Italian, French and more).
* Classic Multiplayer Support (2 people, 1 device).
* Various controller support.
* An original soundtrack written exclusively for the game along with custom made sound effects.
* Great performance on a wider range of devices (hardware testing).
* Various Power Up Items.
* It will allow us to start work on further (FREE) DLC content.
* Buying Unity 4 licenses to support Linux, Ouya and more!
* As well as making sure we have a roof over our heads while we're making this!
* Most importantly, it enables us the ability to organize and open a Beta Test community for Backers. You will be able to beta-test the game and also convey to the developers your likes, dislikes, comments and suggestions!
But there are of course a selection of prizes for the guys and girls who back us!
And finally, the Forum threads are:
(kickstarter discussion)
(ongoing developer diary)

PLEDGED $15.00
backing this!
Also, Chimp, you plan on exposing a bit of the technical guts of the game for us Polycounters? I'm interested to see how you guys are handling a pixel art 2d platformer inside Unity 3D.
Thank you imijatov! We surely appreciate each and every contribution
@felipefrango - Have you read our dev blog in which Robert (programmer) shares some insight into that?
Thomas P.
Game seems a mazing, a huge fan of Bjorns work!
@felipefrango Thanks for the info about not being charged until the end of the campaign, good to know if you've never pledged before.
I'm currently doing a Q&A on reddit:
next off, I know that game development is expensive and all, but 50k for pixel art? especially giant pixels like these with minimal shading? I've seen better work done for free and with no return investment ever considered. I'd say you could get away with 15-20k tops for this and be fine, since it's obvious that the hardest part of this is already done.
Lastly- This is a bit of a nitpick, but you REALLY should never say 'kick some butt' with such a monotone voice.
They explain what they will be doing with the money I'm really not sure why you think its just for art but here is what they are doing.
This is another nitpick, but is it a bit weird to think that supporting the Ouya is honestly not a good idea? It's a hype train that only indie developers will make things for and only indie gamers will buy. at best supporting it means you make no return at all or very minimal.
All in all though, unless you're planning to make something on the quality of say, Hydorah or Jack The Reaper, (both free projects that look and sound a whole lot better than this) I wouldn't really consider putting money towards this unless you have the best game mechanics I've ever seen.
Hey Gungriffon,
We had to make do with what we could for the voiceover, sorry that you were unhappy with it. I acknowledge your crits
I'm sorry you aren't impressed with the title, but reducing it to '50k for pixel art?' is somewhat offensive and simply wrong:
Bjorn and Thomas' art effort aside, Rob has developed a hell of a lot of technology on this title to make sure that you get extremely high performance, absurdly accurate physics and 'feel' for the controls and generally a hell of an amazing experience.
If you want to break it down, $50,000 dollars divided by 4 is $12500 each which translated into my local currency is £8,065 - Half a bottom end McDonalds worker's pay a year. We've invested since late April so far building these tools and intend to continue through to November (without pay!) if the funding doesn't go through.
As for the 'hardest part' being done, no- it isn't. The graphics may be done, the tools and engine might well be stable but the gameplay needs a hell of a lot of work between now and then, as a team, we look forward to refining it along with the entire game with our backers comments via the beta testing and hope to deliver a fantastic product by then.
On top of all of those things, we still need to buy everything mentioned in that trailer that you disliked so much as to essentially troll us- professional translations (i suppose you'd have us use google translate?), a professionally written and recorded soundtrack (yeah, I play guitar, perhaps you want me to strum into my iPhone's voice memo recorder) and purchase licenses of various expense so that we can support the Linux and Android communities who also deserve to play the game along with a whole host of other bits and pieces.
So I apologise if I am being somewhat abrasive here but: I think you're wrong.
You don't think it's worth your money thats fine. You are completely entitled to your opinion but the rest of us think its very worthy and are happy to support it.
You're not going to win any hearts or minds here, chief.
Wait, wha..? I don't even know where to start with this.
4x unity licenses and asset servers for 4.0 with support for 2 devices, android and ios, comes to: $20,000. We can probably stagger this and get away with $10k on licenses by ensuring 2 team members go without. So lets say 10k for that.
Lets take off 2.5k because that's kickstarter's 5% cut.
So we're left with 37,500.
Now lets hire translations for all the languages. That'll be french, spanish, italian, japanese, and possibly more. Given all the cutscenes and things characters say, lets budget it at a rock bottom 200 dollars per translation, or another 1k just supporting a FEW initial ones. That's if we can find translation that cheap and asking friends who are native speakers.
Music. This is going to cost us quite a lot, the cheaper we go the more shitty it sounds. Lets assume at the end of it we'll have to pay 2k just for a few ditties (it's that or use stock sounds you've heard everywhere else): 34,500
Really trying to cut corners here but still be within acceptable quality ranges.
We started to canvass how much money we'd need to spend on books, tshirts and so on but it's looking pretty close to 4-5k to satisfy all the backers so far not including workload added and number of people who want the book, tshirts etc... if it gets funded. We could go cheap here... but do you want us giving backers cheap junk? NO. We won't cut corners here.
So we're left with 30k. Now this is ignoring all the debts we have run up and ignoring all the devices we need to buy (icade, and all the bits people want tob to support):
7.5k each person. To develop TOB for 8 months? OK lets look at the salary from that (just so we can eat)....
Doesn't even cover rent. But it will help. It will stop us from constantly freelancing just to survive. It will mean TOB gets a little bit more love, the quality goes up a bit. Maybe we'll actually make a game that people enjoy.
...And this was being generous by avoiding paying for 2 of the licenses, so you can play with the maths and scenarios until the cows come home, but ultimately, to make something that's good will cost something.
We have no idea if it will make money when it goes on sale in the end. Maybe it will. If it does then maybe you'd like us to make more games. A kickstarter does exactly that, it helps us get there in the first place so we don't have kickstart again. Like notch, we can go around helping out other teams.
But to assume we can do it on air would be a mistake.
This! Backed! :thumbup:
$50 000 is really nothing to agrue about when it comes to game development, sure you can push out crappy games for a lot less but why would people want to back that?
Anyway, great work guys. I really like the style and I'm really impressed that it's achieved in Unity
But with a few fixes from gsep it may still have a chance to go places. I'm 100% sure TOB will still be finished regardless of the kickstarter - but with a lot of corners being cut as at some point we're just going to say "right the bank isn't loaning any more cash out, we have to try and break even".
Most guys on these forums do know that anyone can make a free retro title, that's a given, but how polished will it be? will it support all devices? will people get to play it on the platform of their choice? maybe we should make gsep sing on his guitar in google hangout while we tape it and laugh for the soundtrack?
That sounds fun actually, lets try and make him do that. But I don't think the gamers will appreciate his 60s retro teen heart throb amateur crooning.