http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s9wkicuXog"]Orcs Must Die! 2 - Announcement Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
When the first OMD was released our biggest request was co-op play. So we dug our heels in, added co-op, and a spellbook with over 50 traps, weapons, and spells! If you own OMD part 1, it will unlock the classic levels in OMD2. Have fun guys!
Please tell your friends!
Question though, I haven't seen it stated, will there be splitscreen for xbox? or only multiple machine coop?
I just love this game so far, it's more of what you loved from Orcs must die and better. BUY THIS GAME!
But yeah, been really looking forward to this one. Almost done with Eufloria too (which you guys should check out too), so it's the perfect timing.
BIG THANKS to all that pre-ordered!
They just handed out our Steam codes so have at it! (Please just use one!)
2. on the bottom were used and I used the middle one I think.. just throwing it out there
Thanks tho awesome gesture
As for the coop- Brilliant.
Just brilliant.
Oh well when I get moneys I will get to owning this ! Love the style, OMD. Was a big influence on my indie games art style!
Havent played yet. can anyone tell me if coop, you have your own trap limits, or is it a team limit?
It's such a smooth co-op experience. I never experienced any framerate issues or loss of quality. The only thing that kind of sucked was the dedicated VoIP so we just used skype and turned "push-to-talk" off. Definitely a solid game though. I can't wait to play some more when I get off work.
I like it tho.
Though I have to admit, the levels where there are two different doors that go into two different portals really mess with me. Kinda hate those.
Also, is it just me, or can you not rely solely on traps as much? I find myself having to manually kill monsters regularly. I really enjoyed in the first game that if you were smart, you could rely solely on traps.
It's a game that has skill, and it does make you think. I like it a lot so far.
Wow, ok interesting. i can imagine it's not worth all the extra hassle to get it XBLA approved then...
Just put up some barricades ahead of your dwarfs so enemies can't reach them. They aren't supposed to tank heavy creatures. If you are afraid of having your barricades destroyed by those bomb carriers just put 2-3 lava floors(don't remember the name) 2 tiles ahead of the barricades and they won't blow them up.
Fastest way to kill the bigger mobs is to do it yourself, lava floors + blunderbuss/grenade pretty much eats everything up.
The game has a different set of creatures depending on if you are playing single player, co-op, or Endless mode. You can only play with friends on your friends list (for now).
I usually charm the Hunters, or use the Ice Amulet to freeze them. Another thing, is make them chase you on top of the lava floor. Finally, you can use the polymorph ring to turn them into a chicken (sometimes).
Thanks guys! BTW, check out this guy! I've been playing for a long time, and I still can't place traps that fast.
If you can get the ring of lightning, get it. It slaughters those poor orcs. 3 hit's to kill the gnolls too and since it's chain a spell you will kill them all.
Since none of my friends have bought the game yet, and I really wanna try out CO OP. My steam name is mr_nisse, so add if you wanna slay some orcs with me.
One question, how do you use the void wall? It sounds like such an awesome trap, but when I placed it I noticed it doesn't suck orcs in. So is it just for you manually pushing them in? Sounds pretty ineffective compared to the acid wall-trap.
Oh and on wall-traps, I've seen videos of people who use a wall spike-trap that shoots out spikes, and they can also place that same one on the ceiling. But I don't see it in the list to unlock, and I finished story mode, so how do you get that one?
every trap/weapon has three upgrades available be it damage, stun, location or whatever. Provided you've got the skulls of course.
What's the point of having units when they don't seem to get ressed after level 22-24(?) anymore? I went to level 34 with having all my units dead and no more stop timer.
Right, but what I'm saying is it doesn't seem like you can do this if you're playing the sorceress. The wall arrow is the only practical one, and according to the guys here you don't get that with the sorceress. The equivalent which I've been using, the acid bath one, doesn't have the ceiling upgrade.
Use that big 'ole head of yours