I am working on a UDK scene inspired by Concept art from
Last of Us.

I still have quite a few things to do.
- Rubble and trash
- Decal Graffiti and Blood stains
- Buildings for the background.
- Particles for water spray.
- Dying foliage
- Re-baking normal maps from messed up Gamma correction.
- Following suggestions.
Thank you for looking.
Do you intend on making the puddle as well?
InProgress: I do intend in having another go at that damn puddle, I think I will have to make it a decal as I can't get it to look good as a straight Landscape material. I think I may of reduced the noise too much on the Jersey barriers...
Any way Progress
The concept also seems to have a lower FOV so maybe try to decrease your FOV to match it, just try different things and maybe you'll find something interesting
Good work so far! Looking forward to more progress!
Suggestions, comments, or whatever else is welcome. If you want to see any meshes or flats, let me know. Thank you for looking.
My thoughts are that you might need some far background stuff - You've got the foreground and middle distance nicely laid out, but it's missing something at the far back, that'd break the empty parts of the skyline up a bit.
I think the scene feels a little too warmly lit now, too. I preferred it when it felt colder as it suited the idea of the scene better.
The bottles also seem oddly placed - If this outpost is abandoned, why would there be highly valued, full bottles of drink placed on the barriers? If they were empty, they would have blown off in the wind, and would be dirtied up a bit.
Can you soften up the shadows of the barbed wire, too? They're looking a bit too sharp and dark, atm.