actually the title is at lie, I dont want to make a hole video game, I just want to make a street or so, just to try it out.
but I have some questions:
1) How tall is a building in a video game (like in GTA)
2) How many polys may a building be?
3) And the road, what the width and length in a video game?
I hope some of you will help

2) There's no one answer, buildings can be pretty low poly because they are often pretty flat, sometimes people add in extra geometry just to have more detail vertex painting.
3) Again, it is based on real world measurements, I normally make sure each lane fits 1.5 cars.
2)how many tris? as much as is needed... the Splash Damage dock art test that was floating around everywhere had a budget of 20,000. Everything above street level can be simplified unless it's a game like Infamous. Just take a look at some other open world games if that's what your shooting for, you can get a good idea of how many triangles to use.
3) road width will mimic real world dimensions - unless it has to be made wider for game play reasons.